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Starting: Sun Feb 06 2000 - 21:45:41 MST
Ending: Fri Sep 07 2012 - 08:45:47 MDT
- "3 Laws Unsafe" by the Singularity Institute
- "3 Laws Unsafe" Flyer for "I, Robot" Moviegoers
- "a mist of probability amplitudes"
- "After Life" by Simon Funk
- "all your base" - distress call, or attack?
- "and then a singularity happens"
- "Armchair AI Philosophers" bad?
- "Boy with Incredible Brain"
- "Boy with Incredible Brain" CLARIFICATION
- "Die molekulare Manufaktur"
- "Doing time in the universal mind", AGI/Singularitarian style...
- "feels good" is inherently meaningful
- "friendly" humans?
- "Gricean implicature"
- "Ground-breaking work in understanding of time"
- "how to cope with death"
- "Mysterious quasar casts doubt on black holes"
- "NEWS:" AI makes Wired's Vaporware list
- "Objective" Morality
- "optimization process"
- "Ozy and Millie" chimes in on "Ben and Eliezer"
- "Paths to the Singularity"
- "Real" programming and seed AI
- "SIMULATIONS: A Singularitarian Primer"
- "Someone ought to do something" posts
- "someone should = I volunteer to?"
- "sumthin" funny with the universe
- "Supergoal" considered harmful
- "Supergoal" considered harmful; New term: "Quality Function"
- "Technological Singularity" by V.V.
- "The Artilect War" ... Does it get better?
- "The Netflix challenge and the advance of Science"
- "The Progressive Apocalypse and Other Futurismic Delights"
- "The Psychological Foundations of Culture" online
- "Unite the Future" Press Release
- "Unite the Future," May 17th (Sat), Culver City, CA
- "When will the Internet become aware of itself?" by TERRENCE SEJNOWSKI
- 'a process of non-thinking called faith'
- 'a process of non-thinking called faith')
- 'Collective Volition' ripped to pieces
- 'ethical ai' patent issued
- 'Singularity Realism'
- 'Singularity Realism' - A few thoughts
- 'Singularity Realism'"
- 'Singularity Realism', again
- 'The Libertarian-Transhumanist Philosophical Platform'
- 'The Next Really Big Enormous Thing' by Robin Hanson
- 'The Revenge of Geddes'! - New Theory Of Everything! Ha!
- (fwd) (Long) Ethical Development (WAS: Ethical Basics)
- (Humor) Hugbot gets an upgrade
- (no subject)
- (Post) Embodied AI
- (really late) JOIN post.
- (spellchecked) ESSAY: The Frozen Accident God (was: Invisible, Incomprehensible Gods)
- *Annual* SL4 Chat, Wed Jan 5th @ 9PM Eastern
- *Annual* SL4 CHAT: Wed Jan 1st, 9PM EST
- *Annual* SL4 CHAT: Wed Jan 7th, 9PM EST
- ... Why It Wants Out)
- ...)
- .NET/C#'s CodeDOM and Flare
- 10 atoms across
- 10 years to write good software?
- 10x?! (was guaranteeing Friendlyness)
- 12 Virtues of Rationality
- 14 objections against AI/Friendly AI/The Singularity answered
- 180 IQ idiot)
- 1st SIAI Volunteer Meeting, 3/7 (Sun) @ 7PM EST, IRC on (#siaiv)
- 2006 Singularity Challenge - Met!
- 23rd annual MaxEnt conference
- 3 "Real" Conscious Machines
- 3 "Real" Conscious Machines]
- 3 "Real" ConsciousMachines]
- 3 Laws Bad: I, Robot movie
- 3 Laws Unsafe - Promotion
- 3rd Annual SL4 Ascetics-Hedonists Deathmatch
- 4 positions open at a2i2
- 42
- 48-Hour Deadline for 2005 Gifts - Advance The Singularity Institute
- 6
- 6 points about Coherent Extrapolated Volition
- [>Htech] hint for a trivial mod to boost IQ (fwd from
- [agi] [silk] moderating online conversations
- [agi] A difficulty with AI reflectivity
- [agi] A theorem of change and persistence????
- [agi] Artificial General Intelligence Research - Help Wanted
- [agi] Ben vs. the AI academics...
- [agi] Early Apps.
- [agi] Four axioms
- [agi] Future AGI's based on theorem-proving
- [agi] Optimality of using probability
- [agi] the Singularity Summit and regulation of AI
- [agi] Two draft papers: AI and existential risk; heuristics and biases
- [agi] What are qualia...
- [agi] What best evidence for fast AI?
- [Announce] Singularity Resource Center
- [Announce] The Concrescent Singularity
- [ARTICLE] A.I. and the Future
- [ARTICLE] Computational capacity of the universe
- [ARTICLE] Slashdot and the Singularity
- [ARTICLE] TheAtlantic: New Life for Moore's Law
- [ARTICLE] Vinge in NY Times on Singularity
- [aside] humor clarification
- [bafuture] G-factor versus general intelligence
- [bC] Math magic script
- [CALL FOR CONF PAPERS] Self-Organisation and Evolution of Social Behaviour
- [CONFERENCE] Second Iteration - CFP, generative systems in electronic arts
- [culture] a lyrical interlude
- [CULTURE] Speilberg's forthcoming move "A.I."
- [CULTURE] The Singularity in science fiction - Charles Stross's "Router"
- [CULTURE] Vinge in Esquire
- [ESSAY] Accelerate the Singularity by defeating procrastination
- [ExI] [SL4] [WTA] Kurzweil critique
- [ExI] A very surreal day
- [ExI] Seeking a source
- [ExI] Who's using Google Wave?
- [ExtroBritannia] Special Event: Second Life on Saturday
- [extropy-chat] Eugen Leitl on AI design
- [extropy-chat] On difficult choices (was: Books: Harris; Religion and Reason)
- [extropy-chat] SIAI: Donate Today and Tomorrow
- [extropy-chat] the very model of a Singularitarian
- [extropy-chat] Two draft papers: AI and existential risk; heuristics and biases
- [extropy-chat] Wil McCarthy's HACKING MATTER free download
- [fsml] 'Flesh and Machines': The Future of Robotics (fwd)
- [Fwd: [>Htech] [fsml] Molecular computing 'just around the corner' (fwd)]
- [Fwd: [>Htech] Artificial Development to Build World's Biggest Spiking Neural Network]
- [Fwd: [Cooltech] True frictionless material]
- [Fwd: [wta-talk] X-men ruled not human by judge]
- [Fwd: [x-risk] Cerulo: Cultural Challenges to Envisioning the Worst]
- [Fwd: COMPUTING: IBM Systems Journal discusses Blue Gene]
- [Fwd: Existential Risks: Analyzing Human Extinction Scenarios andRelated Hazards]
- [Fwd: EXTRO-5: Shaping Things to Come, June 15-17, 2001]
- [Fwd: From comp.risks, the Warhol Worm (Worstcase scenario)]
- [Fwd: more networking applications:]
- [Fwd: New website: The Simulation Argument]
- [Fwd: Practical CosmologyPapers]
- [Fwd: Redwood Neuroscience Institute Newsletter - January 2005]
- [Fwd: Toronto Worldcon]
- [Hplusroadmap] Open Biohacking Project
- [HUMOR?] But will Penrose make any submissions?
- [HUMOR?] Transhuman Contracts and Morality WAS: A position
- [HUMOR] "Robots are our Friends"
- [HUMOR] IQ testing for half-baked AI's
- [HUMOR] Makefile achieves self-awareness
- [HUMOR] Protect your mind
- [HUMOR] Sluggy Singularity
- [Humour] [OT] A spam I was guaranteed to open, and it's this list's fault.
- [JOIN] Chris Paget
- [JOIN] Darin Sunley's Join Message
- [JOIN] David Jacovkis Halperin
- [JOIN] Gordon Worley
- [JOIN] ktpr joining the list and possibly interesting insight
- [JOIN] Stephen Reed
- [JOIN] Stephen Reed]
- [LINK] An Intuitive Explanation of the Information Entropy of a Random Variable
- [META] SL4 inactive
- [META]A new list dedicated to PI/survival.
- [ On Intelligence -- a new book from Treo inventor Jeff Hawkins]
- [NEWS] British paper on AI rights
- [NEWS] Cyc's Lenat predicts Singularity
- [nsg] Meeting Announcement (fwd from
- [offlist] Randi and parapsychology journals
- [PAPER: UPDATED] Systems for Implementing non Violation of Volition post Singularity
- [PAPER] Privacy post Singularity
- [Paper] Safe SI Development
- [PAPER] Safe SI Development (beta)
- [PAPER] Systems for Implementing Morals post Singularity
- [POETRY] Sonnet to be composed by an A.I.
- [REJOIN] aominux (+ Crocker's declaration)
- [REJOIN] Gordon Worley
- [REVIEW] BOOK: Blue Light (mostly non spoiler)
- [Semi-OT] Online Transhuman RPG
- [semi-OT] Singularity Investor
- [Semi-OT] Transhuman Space RPG
- [silk] The Future of Artificial Intelligence (fwd)
- [sing] Alcor Action Alert
- [sing] BUSI: Vastmind
- [sl4]
- [sl4] "Creating Predictably Beneficial AGI"
- [sl4] "The Mediated Technological Singularity" - Vita-More
- [sl4] 'Ethical' uploading
- [sl4] (Humor) Bristol Robot "Jules" Is A Real Misanthrope
- [SL4] (unknown)
- [sl4] 2008 Midwest NKS Conference: Call for Papers and/or Participation
- [sl4] 2nd Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International Conference (CHAOS2009) , Conference Poster and Information
- [sl4] [Essay brainstorm] Title- The most important question - what will the impact of AI on humanity be?
- [sl4] [Hplusroadmap] Paper: Artificial Intelligence will Kill our Grandchildren
- [sl4] [JOIN] I accept to be a Crockerian [eom]
- [sl4] A favor: please constructively criticize my "Cosmist Manifesto" [in the Comments, not on this list]
- [sl4] A hypothesis for what our world might simulate
- [sl4] A model of RSI
- [sl4] A new way to search through text
- [sl4] A teleporter
- [sl4] A Thought Experiment: Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness
- [sl4] a2i2 looking for A.I. Psychologist/ Project Manager
- [sl4] Abandon Normal Devices (Liverpool, 23-27 Sept 2009)
- [SL4] Abandon Ship
- [sl4] Advent of Advanced AI Orthogonal to Present Problems?
- [SL4] AI
- [SL4] AI & the religious right
- [SL4] AI --> Jobless Economy
- [sl4] AI blog
- [SL4] AI Ethics
- [SL4] AI Ethics & Banning the Future.
- [SL4] AI flight recorder
- [sl4] AI's behaving badly
- [sl4] AI's behaving badly (subtitle: There's more to me that utility - why there's society, and possibility too)
- [sl4] AI's behaving badly)
- [sl4] AI-Box Experiment Google Group
- [SL4] Al Gore's unintended messages.
- [sl4] Alan Turing's results are profound
- [sl4] Alan Turing's results are profound, but not relevant here.
- [sl4] Am Stranded
- [sl4] An attempt at empathic AI
- [sl4] An idea to allow everything to exist
- [sl4] Announcement: OpenCogPrime Tutorial Chat Sessions, Sep 08 - Jan 09
- [sl4] another toy model of capability growth
- [SL4] Anyone reading _The Future Factor_?
- [sl4] Apocalyptic AI - book presentation and discussion in Second Life, Tuesday March 30, 10am PST
- [sl4] Article on tomorrow's Thiel event
- [sl4] Aubrey de Grey on BBC 'comedy' show.
- [sl4] Awaken the Universe, by Philippe Van Nedervelde
- [sl4] Awesome clip on reasoning.
- [sl4] Bayesian rationality vs. voluntary mergers
- [sl4] Bayesian rationality vs. voluntary mergers)
- [sl4] Ben Goertzel at The Future and You
- [SL4] bicycles
- [sl4] Bluetooth Suicide Story. Has Nanobots
- [sl4] Bob and Cryonics
- [sl4] Book Review - Apocalyptic AI: Visions of Heaven in Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, and Virtual Reality
- [SL4] brainstorm: a new vision for uploading
- [SL4] Burning Man 2000: Project Singularity
- [sl4] ca-ga 4.99.99
- [sl4] ca-ga feature freeze
- [sl4] CA-GA Windows Version Ready
- [sl4] Calculating the probability of immortality
- [sl4] Call for information: Moore's Law
- [sl4] Call for new SIAI Visiting Fellows
- [sl4] Coherent Aggregated Volition: A Method for Deriving Goal System Content for Advanced, Beneficial AGIs
- [sl4] Communication singularity realized
- [sl4] Comparative Advantage Doesn't Ensure Survival
- [sl4] Complete drivel on this list: was: I am a Singularitian who does not believe in the Singularity.
- [sl4] Conference: Humanity+ UK 2010
- [sl4] Convergence of Expected Utilities with Algorithmic Probability Distributions - uh?
- [sl4] Cuttlefish communication studies
- [sl4] D-Wave
- [sl4] detailed analysis of SIAI financials posted
- [sl4] Does anyone love this
- [sl4] Easy way to possibly get SIAI many thousands or millions in donations from a very rich and generous organization. Please help rewrite this into a formal proposal.
- [sl4] Eclipse Phase: a SL3-SL4 Tabletop RPG
- [sl4] either way
- [SL4] Employment vs. Singularity
- [sl4] End to violence and government
- [sl4] End to violence and government [Was:Signaling after a singularity]
- [SL4] Entropy is easier than Extropy. Or is it?
- [sl4] Eric Burton wants to stay in touch on LinkedIn
- [sl4] Errors of the heart, not of the mind
- [SL4] ESSAY: Data throughput
- [sl4] Evolution, personality and altruism
- [sl4] Evolutionary Explanation: Why It Wants Out
- [sl4] Factors of intelligence
- [sl4] FAI development within academia.
- [sl4] FAI development within academia.)
- [sl4] FAI in practice
- [sl4] FICTION: Greg Egan's "Crystal Nights"
- [sl4] Fightless edition of pure-genes CA-GA 4.99.99 makes the superior art I bet
- [sl4] Fightless edition of pure-genes CA-GA 4.99.99 makes the superior art I bet)
- [sl4] Fightless edition of pure-genes CA-GA4.99.99 makes the superior art I bet)
- [sl4] First Visual Cortex Views in A-Life, like that cat brain you saw
- [SL4] Fixed.
- [SL4] Flare, and the need for it.
- [sl4] Foresight 2010- Announcement
- [sl4] foundationalism
- [sl4] Fourth Annual Geoethical Nanotechnology Workshop, Terasem Island, Second Life, July 20
- [sl4] Friendly AI and Enterprise Resource Management
- [sl4] Friendly AI in the media: Terminator, the Sarah Connor Chronicles
- [sl4] Friendly AIs vs Friendly Humans
- [sl4] Friendly AIs vs Friendly Humans - Problem of Sociopathic Governance
- [sl4] Fwd for long numbers instead
- [sl4] Fwd:
- [sl4] Fwd: 'Upcoming Singularity and Artificial Intelligence Events of Interest'
- [sl4] Fwd: [rl-list] internships at honda research
- [sl4] Fwd: [singularity] Singularity Summit 2010 Announcement
- [sl4] Fwd: [singularity] Starglider's Mini-FAQ on Artificial Intelligence
- [SL4] Fwd: _New Scientist_ article on awakening Web
- [SL4] Fwd: Anyone reading _The Future Factor_?
- [sl4] Fwd: Bases in this thing
- [sl4] Fwd: Blog post about conference on ZDNet
- [sl4] Fwd: Call for Papers: Technological Singularity & Acceleration Studies
- [SL4] Fwd: Hemispherectomy, partial brain transplant
- [sl4] Fwd: Please could you publicize the UK H+ conference?
- [sl4] Fwd: Special Announcement - Humanity+ @ Caltech Conference 12/4-5
- [sl4] Gagging order
- [sl4] Getting the Eurisko source code
- [sl4] giant planets ignation - one more existential risk
- [sl4] giant planets ignition - one more existential risk
- [sl4] Global catastrophic risks and human extinction library
- [sl4] Google, NASA and Kurzweil to found "Singularity University"
- [sl4] Gravity For Patterns - a theory of everything
- [sl4] Gray goo risks
- [sl4] greetings
- [SL4] Greg A's big idea
- [sl4] Hardware and Software to program the AI
- [sl4] Has AI arrived?
- [SL4] Heading out for a while...
- [sl4] hello
- [sl4] hey
- [sl4] Hi-Colour Dialectic Between Neural Nets
- [sl4] How much do languages matter for AGI programming?
- [sl4] Human Futures - Art in an Age of Uncertainty book launch and conference
- [sl4] Human Futures conference programme now online, last chance to buy tickets
- [sl4] Human Futures: Art in an Age of Uncertainty - conference and book launch (30 Oct,2008, Liverpool)
- [sl4] Human Futures: Comment to the Global Spiral!
- [sl4] Human nature
- [sl4] Humanity + Summit - December
- [sl4] Humanity+ @ Caltech conference to be streamed live on
- [sl4] Humanity+ @ Caltech in the Pasadena Star-News
- [sl4] Humanity+ @ Caltech on Next Big Future
- [sl4] Humanity+ Advisory Board announced
- [sl4] Humanity+ UK 2010: Call for posters
- [sl4] HUMOR: Book of Eli poster
- [sl4] HUMOR: Upcoming movie "Book of Eli"
- [sl4] Hybrider Humans
- [sl4] I am a Singularitian who does not believe in the Singularity
- [sl4] I am a Singularitian who does not believe in the Singularity.
- [sl4] I am the very model of a singularitarian
- [sl4] I saved the world. I can prove it.
- [sl4] IBM and Watson.
- [sl4] Implant in my head
- [sl4] In praise of the sacrosante Original(TM)
- [sl4] Irrational motivations (was [sl4] A Thought Experiment: Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness)
- [sl4] Is belief in immortality computable?
- [sl4] Is the Global Stockmarket a neural network?
- [sl4] Is there a model for RSI?
- [sl4] Israeli Transhumanist Association meeting on the Singularity
- [sl4] JAGI submission
- [sl4] Je recommende
- [sl4] Jeopardy and AI
- [sl4] JKC, are your views actually amenable to correction, ever?
- [sl4] JOIN Ben F Rayfield. Crocker's Rules. Executing 1 Lisputer command.
- [sl4] Join me on Bebo
- [SL4] Join: Cori
- [SL4] JOIN: Dale Johnstone
- [sl4] JOIN: Dan Ballard
- [sl4] JOIN: fetter-key
- [SL4] JOIN: Greetings.
- [SL4] JOIN: Greg A
- [sl4] JOIN: Hello, etc.
- [SL4] JOIN: Joaquim Gândara
- [SL4] Join: Yan King Yin
- [sl4] Just how coherent does CEV have to be?
- [sl4] Kurzweil AI News - CEO of Alcor Max More
- [SL4] Late 21st Century wisdom, available now!
- [sl4] Long-term goals
- [sl4] Looking for a post-light-singularity online short story.
- [sl4] Looking for a quote
- [sl4] Math magic script
- [sl4] Math: It's like in Contact the book not the movie
- [sl4] Meme Exchange, Creative Prodigies, the Peanut Gallery and Colours with No Wave-Lengths
- [sl4] META: closing the list
- [sl4] META: Don't reply to a List Sniping
- [SL4] META: SL4 list about to move!
- [SL4] Military AI
- [sl4] Model/Classification for Consciousness/Living Entities?
- [sl4] My resignation from the WTA / H+ Board
- [SL4] My short review of _The Future Factor_.
- [sl4] Netanyahu at UN, sounding like Kurzweil
- [sl4] Neural Nets Make Art Films on Drugs (2010)
- [sl4] New blog
- [sl4] New Humanity+ monthly newsletter
- [sl4] New Singularity FAQ
- [sl4] New Singularity FAQ)
- [SL4] New Singularity Website and Forthcoming Book
- [sl4] new subject line test
- [SL4] NEWS: Nanotech: 'multiscale ordering'
- [sl4] NEWS: Transhumanism Answers Critics - Feb 6 2009 Issue
- [sl4] Next Cosmic Engineers meeting in Second Life: Discussion of CTRL-ALT-R: REBAKE YOUR REALITY
- [sl4] Niceness to humanity as a useful limitation
- [sl4] normative language is rational
- [sl4] Off this Listserv
- [SL4] Off Topic: Amusing Theory
- [sl4] Offering a chatroom to hangout
- [sl4] Offtopic about the singularity.
- [sl4] Oh *come on*. Snipers?
- [sl4] Open source Python project:
- [sl4] OpenCog Prime wikibook and roadmap posted (moderately detailed design for an OpenCog-based thinking machine)
- [sl4] Opportunity to Support Singularity Institute
- [sl4] OT: HUMOR: the fluffy singularity
- [sl4] Our arbitrary preferences (was: A model of RSI)
- [SL4] PAGE: "Eliezer, the person"
- [sl4] Paper: Artificial Intelligence will Kill our Grandchildren
- [SL4] Parallelism in AI (WAS: _New Scientist_)
- [sl4] Phd Studentships in Scotland - immortality and science communication / human enhancement in film
- [SL4] Places I want to live
- [sl4] Please unsubscibe me from these mailings
- [sl4] please unsubscibe me to these mailings
- [sl4] Please unsubscribe me from these mailings
- [sl4] Please upload some molecular reintegration
- [sl4] Posthuman Lifestyles
- [sl4] Potential CEV Problem
- [sl4] prediction markets
- [sl4] Preservation of goals in strongly self-modifying AI systems
- [sl4] Primey-o
- [sl4] Pro-Tech party names and the unfortunate past of Futurism
- [sl4] Profiles of Singularity University 1st course students
- [sl4] Profound multi-KILLTHREAD
- [SL4] Programmed morality
- [sl4] prove your source code
- [sl4] prove your source code)
- [sl4] question about pulsar planets
- [sl4] Ray Kurzweil and David Chalmers to Headline Singularity Summit 2009 in New York
- [sl4] Ray Kurzweil predictions review published
- [sl4] Ray Kurzweil: You are Cordially Invited to the Singularity Summit 2011 in New York
- [sl4] Razib Khan (Gene Expression) on Humanity+ @ Caltech conference
- [sl4] Regular Cosmic Engineers Sunday meeting in Second Life
- [sl4] Reminder: Fourth Annual Geoethical Nanotechnology Workshop, Terasem Island, Second Life, July 20
- [sl4] Reminder: Second annual Thinkers Lecture, December 7, Second Life
- [sl4] Report: 4th Annual Workshop on Geoethical Nanotechnology by Terasem, in Second Life
- [sl4] Robin Lee Powell's results are not profound
- [SL4] Rogue AIs
- [sl4] Rolf's gambit revisited
- [sl4] Scary article about the effect of supposedly "inert" nanoparticles on the human body
- [sl4] Second annual Thinkers Lecture, December 7, Second Life
- [sl4] Semi-OT: Singularity song from 1982
- [sl4] Shock level confidence (was: Property rights)
- [sl4] short story
- [SL4] Short/Short story
- [sl4] Sign up for cryonics today!
- [sl4] Signatures Of Consciousness: Talk
- [sl4] Simple friendliness: plan B for AI
- [sl4] simplistic models of capability growth
- [sl4] Single Atom Transistor Discovered.
- [sl4] Singularity Institute in the Washington Post
- [sl4] Singularity Research Challenge: Less Than One Week Left
- [sl4] Singularity Summit 2008 (registration open)
- [sl4] Singularity Summit 2008 open for registration
- [sl4] Singularity Summit 2010 Announcement
- [sl4] Singularity Summit 2010: Futurist Conference in San Francisco
- [sl4] Singularity Summit 2011
- [sl4] Singularity, "happiness", suffering, Mars
- [SL4] Sinking the Boat
- [SL4] SITE: Coding a Transhuman AI 2.0a
- [sl4] scheduled downtime
- [sl4] Smaller/faster Windows ca-ga binary, anyone care
- [sl4] Some commentary on the singularity
- [sl4] Special event in Second Life on Saturday January 31
- [sl4] spooky activation at a distance
- [sl4] Stand-Up for Human Rights - Vita-More in Poland
- [sl4] Starglider's Mini-FAQ on Artificial Intelligence
- [sl4] Stunning youtube!! Words cannot describe... my life was changed but for the better
- [sl4] Stunning youtube!! Words cannot describe... my life was changed but for the better)
- [sl4] Super Duper GP Art. Windows Port of Old Version of CA-GA
- [sl4] Super Human Revolution of the Species - 23-24 Nov, Melbourne
- [sl4] SXSW interactive - Event March 16, 2009 !
- [sl4] SXSW Plutopia Event 2009 - Bruce Sterling, Max More, Sandy Stone, Natasha Vita-More
- [sl4] Szabadság idején küldött válasz
- [SL4] T.M.S.
- [sl4] Text boggler
- [SL4] The Brin/Kelly challenge
- [sl4] The Jaguar Supercomputer
- [sl4] The Jaguar Supercomputer)
- [sl4] The Jaguar Supercomputer.
- [sl4] The Jaguar Supercomputer.)
- [sl4] The Many Worlds of Hugh Everett
- [sl4] The Singularity on the front page of NYT
- [sl4] The Starving Artist Experiment
- [sl4] This is Giulio Prisco posting from a new mailbox
- [sl4] This post contains basilisks. View at your own risk.
- [sl4] thought experiment : who's where
- [sl4] time-sensitive issue: voting members sought to participate in upcoming election for H+ (World Transhumanist Association)
- [sl4] to-do list for strong, nice AI
- [sl4] to-do list for strong, nice AI)
- [sl4] Toothpaste for Dinner on the Singularity
- [sl4] trade or merge?
- [sl4] trade or merge?)
- [sl4] Transcendental AGI
- [sl4] Transhumanism in Flux, a new high profile science magazine
- [sl4] Transhumanism Rising: Interesting discussion on Humanity+
- [sl4] Transvision 2010
- [sl4] Types of unfriendly AI
- [sl4] Universal versus 'local' Friendliness
- [sl4] Universe Equals Chaitin's Constant And How To Use It Statistically
- [sl4] Unlikely singularity?
- [sl4] Uploading
- [sl4] Uploading (was : goals of AI)
- [sl4] Uploading (was : goals of AI))
- [sl4] Uploading into a deterministic sim vs Many worlds
- [sl4] Uploading into a deterministic sim vs Many worlds.
- [SL4] Uploading Purity Test
- [sl4] Uploads coming first would be good, right?
- [sl4] Uploads coming first would be good, right?.
- [sl4] Uploads, slavery, concerts and fair trade
- [sl4] Uploads, slavery, concerts and fair trade.
- [sl4] Victims of SL4
- [sl4] Victims of SL4)
- [sl4] Volunteers needed for SIAI summer research project
- [sl4] Wanted - academic discussions of mind uploading
- [SL4] washington post article
- [sl4] Weakening morality
- [SL4] What I'm Doing
- [sl4] What is the probability of a positive singularity?
- [sl4] What is the probability of a positive singularity?.
- [sl4] what's with all the math?
- [sl4] Where can I look for some AI/machine learning projects that I can join online?
- [sl4] Why antropic principle stops to defend us
- [sl4] Wolfram Alpha: Useful For AI Research?
- [sl4] World Classroom as a 3D Study Maze.
- [sl4] Worldview Manager
- [SL4] XML + Omnimark
- [sl4] Yesterday's Special Event in Second Life: Max' surprise birthday party
- [sl4] YouMayWantToLetMeOut
- [SL4] your opinion on my aim
- [sl4] zero to Shock Level 4 in 20 minutes
- [transadmin] Quick Suggestion
- [Webmind-TLC] Ray Kurzweil bets on real AI
- [wta-talk] [mta] I am a Singularitian who does not believe inthe Singularity
- [wta-talk] Brief report on AGI-08
- [wta-talk] Google, NASA and Kurzweil to found "Singularity University"
- [wta-talk] Google,NASA and Kurzweil to found "Singularity University"
- [wta-talk] Hughes and S^
- [wta-talk] My own A.I project: 'Show-down with Singularity Institute"
- [wta-talk] SIAI seeking seed AI programmer candidates
- `overclocking'
- A Bay Area transhumanist get-together at 5PM, Sunday March 6th?
- A billion years later...
- A branch point
- A CodeDOM-Aware Generative IDE
- A comment
- A conversation on Friendliness
- A conversation on Friendliness [HUMOUR]
- A couple new essays
- A difficulty with AI reflectivity
- A disclaimer - I am *not* a Singularitarian
- A fairly concrete path to the Singularity
- A few random questions/comments clarifications of view point.
- A flight from relationships? OK I haven't characterised the problem well
- A formal measure of subjective experience
- A funding suggestion: Solve The Riemann hypothesis ;)
- A Glimpse of the Future -- Or, Has SF Gone Blind?
- A growing presence on Orkut
- A Hard Take Off.
- A Host of Variables -- Part I -- Computers, Biotech, and Who Will Transcend First...
- A hypothesis for what our world might simulate
- A Letter from Utopia
- A model of consciousness
- A model of consciousness)
- A more concise and quantifiable definition of Friendliness?
- a new generation of inventions merging living tissue with high te chnology
- A New Kind of Science
- A new War Of The Worlds
- A New Year's gift for Bayesians
- A paranormal prediction for the next year
- A party in the works!
- A plain English description of my technical definition of 'Friendliness'
- A position
- A processor from Micron Technology Inc.
- A Request to all my friends on the SL4 and Extropian Lists!
- a self-replicating robot
- A short note on intuition (slightly lengthened)
- A short note on intuition. Was: [Another Geddes Conjecture]
- A simple reputation market
- A study comparing 150 IQ+ persons to 180 IQ+ persons
- A study comparing 150 IQ+ persons to 180 IQ+ persons.
- A study comparing 150 IQ+ persons to 180 IQ+ persons]
- A Sysop alternative
- A Sysop by any other name ...
- A teleporter)
- A themed week
- A theorem of change and persistence????
- A Universe of Consciousness.
- A Value System
- A very surreal day
- A.I. the movie
- A.I. the movie/Kubrick
- a2i2 - news update (seeking CTO)
- a2i2 is looking for Entry-Level AI Psychologist
- a2i2 is ready to expand team once again
- a2i2 looking for another AI Psychologist
- a2i2 Looking for Entry-Level AI Psychologist
- a2i2 looking for entry-level programmer
- a2i2 news update
- a2i2 news update (& seeking AI Psychologists)
- a2i2 news update (seeking another 'AI Psychologist' to join team)
- a2i2 news update - We're Hiring!
- a2i2 news update: still looking for additional talent
- a2i2 opportunities
- a2i2 Project Review/Update
- a2i2 project update
- a2i2 update
- Aaron's Meta-morality
- Abandon Ship
- About "safe" AGI architecture
- About discussing Social Impact
- About discussing Social Impact etc.)
- about sl4
- About that E-mail:...
- About that E-mail:...)
- About the changing one's mind thing.
- About the wierdest mail I've ever received. [ confidential and revolutionary message]
- About this list
- Abstract invariants
- Abstract: 'A Complete Integrated Theory of the Fundamental Principles of Morality'
- ACC2003, Final Early Bird Deadline
- ACCELERANDO typo hunt
- Accelerando, by Charles Stross
- Accelerate the Singularity by defeating procrastination
- Accelerating Change 2004 Wrapup SL4 Chat: Wednesday, 10 November, 9-11 PM ET
- Accelerating Change 2004 Wrapup SL4 Chat: Wednesday, 15 September, 9-11 PM ET
- Accelerating Change Conference (Early Bird Registration Deadline: Sept 30th)
- Accelerating Change Conference, Reg Discount to SL4 Subscribers
- Accelerating chip speeds
- Accelerating the seed AI development
- Acceleration Changes Everything
- Acceptance ...
- Acceptance of death
- Acceptance of death)
- Accepting mortality WAS bickering
- Action Plans For Cyc (Was: software progress)
- Activism vs. Futurism
- Actually, Psycholgical Bulletin is a mainstream publication
- Actually, Psychological Bulletin is a mainstream publication
- Adaptation
- Adaptation brings unFriendliness
- Adaptive Intelligence Inc - Incubation
- ADHD - A Review of Modern Research
- ADMIN REQUEST: Ban Marc Geddes, please. [ Cyber-bullying]
- Advanced Programming Environments.
- Advanced Programming Environments. was: A CodeDOM-Aware Generative IDE
- Affective computing: Candy bars for the soul
- Age-related declines starting early
- AGI and Contact with "Reality"
- AGI builder(s) bloodhound
- AGI first responders
- AGI funding Potential 3-4 year funding source
- AGI funding)
- AGI motivations
- AGI motivations (Sidetrack on Neuromorphic Engineering)
- AGI motivations (Sidetrack on Uploading)
- AGI motivations (Sidetrack on Uploading))
- AGI motivations")
- Agi motivations]
- AGI Philosophy
- AGI project planning
- AGI Prototying Project
- AGI Prototying Project]
- AGI Reproduction?
- AGI Reproduction? (Safety)
- AGI research methodology
- AGI Simulation World Project with Novamente
- AGI thoughts
- AGI thoughts was[AGI Reproduction? (Safety)]
- AGI w/ NO goals
- AGI-SIM 0.9 release; AGI-SIM developers sought
- AGIRI Workshop
- agreement and Bayesianity
- AHA! A compelling SOLUTION!
- AI and alchemy: The first step is admitting you have a problem
- AI and Biomed Tech
- AI and hardware
- AI and Moore's Law redux
- AI and survival instinct.
- AI architectures in the 2000s
- AI boxing
- AI boxing (dogs and helicopters)
- AI Boxing in Look Around You
- AI Boxing:
- AI Boxing:
- AI breeding (was: Infeasibility of AI-boxing revisited)
- AI Cage challenge
- AI communities
- AI debate at San Jose State U.
- AI debate at San Jose State U.)
- AI Goals
- AI Goals definition
- AI Hardware improving
- AI hardware was 'Singularity Realism'
- AI in <what?>
- AI investment (was AGI investment)
- AI investment (was AGI investment))
- AI investment (was: AGI investment)
- AI Jailer.
- AI Links
- AI morality
- AI News
- AI on the Web
- AI Options.
- AI pessimism
- AI Plurality
- AI progress ( or lack thereof)
- AI researcher Hugo de Garis joins Utah State University Computer Science department
- AI rights need to be implemented ASAP. But how?
- AI rights need to be implemented ASAP.. But how?
- AI rights need to be implemented ASAP.. But how?]
- AI the movie
- AI the nasty way
- AI timeframes
- AI using living neurons
- AI's and emotions
- AI's behaving badly)
- AI, just do what I tell you to
- AI-Box Experiment #4: Russell Wallace, Eliezer Yudkowsky
- AI-Box Experiment #5: D. Alex, Eliezer Yudkowsky
- AI-Box Experiment 2: Yudkowsky and McFadzean
- AI-Box Experiment 3)
- AI-Box Experiment 3: Carl Shulman, Eliezer Yudkowsky
- AI-Box Experiment 4: Russell Wallace, Eliezer Yudkowsky
- AI-boxing (was: Problems with [...])
- AI/Singularity panels at Dragoncon, Sept 3-6, Atlanta
- AI: Strategy Prediction Software
- AIBO, 2nd generation
- AIBOX Challenge Update
- Albus / NIST / RMA
- Alcor Action Alert
- Alien Nanotech Butterflies.
- Alien Technology
- ALIFE 9 final CFP and deadline extension.
- All AGI projects are scary
- All is countable
- All is information
- All is information (was: All is number)
- All is information .
- All is number
- All sentient have to be observer-centered! My theory of FAI morality
- Allen Brain Atlas
- Almaden Institute 2006, Cognitive Computing
- Alpha-Point computing
- Amazon TSIN Reviews
- American Humanists Association 2004 conference report - complete!
- An AI Parable
- An amazing blind (?!!) boy (and a super mom!)
- An essay I just wrote on the Singularity.
- An essay I just wrote on the Singularity.)
- An evolutionary strategy for AGI
- An Immigration Appeal On Behalf Of Keith Henson
- An interesting find...
- An interesting presingularitarian metaphor on uploading humans
- an off-side comment about Friendliness
- analog computing
- Analog computing (was: hello)
- analytical rigor
- analytical rigor]
- Ancestral simulations and happy puppeteers
- Anders Sandberg in Second Life on converging cognitive enhancement, uvvy island in SL, May 23 2007 10am PST
- Anders Sandberg in Second Life on converging cognitive enhancement, uvvy island in SL, May 24 2007 10am PST
- Anders Sandberg on "Keep on raging against aging" in Second Life, December 18, 2006
- Android science conference
- Animal Consciousness
- Animal Consciousness (was Mindless Thought Experiments)
- Animal Consciousness (was Mindless Thought Experiments))
- ANNOUNCE: ExI Resource Directory
- ANNOUNCE: ImmInst Live Chat with Harvey Newstrom TONIGHT
- ANNOUNCE: new Broderick/Barnes singularity novel
- ANNOUNCE: New website and mailing list devoted to Singularity Issues
- Announcing AI Foundry
- anonymous collaborative filtering
- Another "The Future Doesn't Need Us" book?
- Another Geddes Conjecture
- another objection
- Another one of my 'big picture' philosophical schemata
- Another reminder of irrationality
- Another Take on Ethical Concerns
- Another Take on Ethical Concerns (was The role of consciousness)
- Another Take on the Fermi Paradox
- Another Take on the Fermi Paradox)
- Another terminology problem (sorry)
- answers I'd like from an SI
- answers I'd like, part 2
- Anthropic dreams
- Anthropic Inference
- Anthropic Inference (Was study comparing 150 IQ+ persons to 180 IQ+ persons)
- Anti-gravity? Gravitational Equivalent OfMagnetic Field Measured In Lab
- Anti-singularity spam.
- Anti-singularity spam.]
- Anti-singularity spam.]]
- Anti-transhumanist crap on Kuro5hin
- Any suggestions?
- Anyone for a pre Singularity Summit meeting this Friday?
- Anyone going to Worldcon?
- Anyone wondering why Eliezer abandoned open source strategy?
- Apocalyptic AI - book presentation and discussion in Second Life, Tuesday March 30, 10am PST
- Apollo Project to get to the Singularity
- Apologies, sort of
- apology, etc
- Approaching the end of Today and Tomorrow
- Arbitrarily decide who benefits)
- Archive Search
- Archives are back online!
- Are we Gods yet?
- Are we Gods yet?)
- Are we Godsyet?)
- arrogance is illogical
- Arrow of morality
- Arrow of morality - Draft outline available online
- Arrow of morality [Was:An essay I just wrote on the Singularity.]
- Art as Shriek safeguard
- Articial Development is Hiring / Neurologist and Neuroinformatics wanted
- ARTICLE: DIY Supercomputing
- Article: How Will the Universe End?
- ARTICLE: Memory bandwidth
- ARTICLE: Non-Turing computation
- Article: Subliminal Nude Pictures Focus Attention
- Article: Thalamic brain stimulation boosts rat intelligence
- Article: The coming superintelligence: who will be in control?
- Article: The coming superintelligence: who will be incontrol?
- Article: The coming superintelligence:who will be incontrol?
- Artificial Development
- Artificial Development to Build World's Biggest Spiking Neural Network]
- artificial evolution of AI
- Artificial Intelligence will Kill our Grandchildren
- as a member of this list..sI4
- Asimov's daughter on that movie
- Asperger's syndrome mentioned twice in a month
- at most one view is correct
- Atkinson-Phoenix nanotech debate
- Atoms
- Atoms (was: Name Calling)
- Attempt to put Paranormal discussion in context
- Augmentation: Is the Train Leaving the Station?
- Augmented Intelligence Test
- Augmenting humans is a better way
- augmenting humans is difficult and slow...
- Australia: Refuge of enlightenment
- Autistic savants (was: Metarationality)
- Automated debugging, an interesting idea.
- autonomic computing
- AYBAM WAS: Gender Neutral Pronouns
- Baby you can drive my car.
- Bad Bayesian - no biscuit!
- Bad Bayesian - no biscuit! (was A New Year's gift for Bayesians)
- Bad link
- Bad Probability Estimation Talk
- Badly Needed Humor: Kurzweil on Daily Show
- Bah! CV is a fantasy. What about a demarchy?
- Balance of power)
- Balanced brainchip design
- Balkanization (was: Four Years Later)
- Baquiast on Kurzweil
- Barack
- Basement Education
- basic BayesCraft training?
- Bayes and the conceptual framework
- Bayes totem tribe?
- Bayes' Theorem introduction
- Bayesian epistemology versus Geddesian epistemology
- Bayesian meditation workshops ; was O.K, weeks up. Let's get back to bashing Sing Inst ;
- Bayesian monasteries
- Bayesian Network Software Libraries
- Bayesian networks made easy
- Bayesian Pop Quiz
- Bayesian story problem SPOILER WARNING: attempt at solution
- Bayesian Test Case
- Bayesians & Pascal's wager
- Bayesians, Pascal's wager & malevolent conspiracies against FAIs
- Beating the rush
- Beating the rush.
- Begin and end of self
- Begin and end of self (was The role of consciousness)
- Bekenstein bound
- Ben Goertzel's Email
- Ben vs. Ben
- Ben vs. the AI academics...
- Ben what are your views and concerns
- Ben's "Extropian Creed"
- Ben's "Extropian Creed")
- Ben's _Thoughts on AI Morality_
- Benford's post-Singularity novel
- Benignity
- Best locations for the Singularity Institute
- Best of All Possible.
- Better Interactivity must preceed Singularity
- Beyond evolution
- Beyond evolution (late reply...)
- bias
- Bill's book
- Biogenetic Structuralism
- Biological computation using real brains (was: answers I'd like, part 2)
- Biological evolution becoming irrelevant
- Biological Singularity
- Biotech gets subtle, and impressive
- Biowar vs. AI as existential threat
- Biweekly non-mod chat?
- blacklight brainchild
- blacklight brainchild [Humour]
- Blackmore
- blah blah blah
- Blog post on Searle and Kurzweil's response
- BLUE GENE and confusion about flops and tops and whistles
- Book ideas
- Book recommendation: 'Permanence'
- Book Review "Nano" No spoilers
- Book Review: The Psychology of Judgment and Decision Making
- Book: "Expert Political Judgment"
- BOOK: _Transcension_ by Damien Broderick
- BOOK: Superrecursive Algorithms
- BOOK: The Mind's Past
- BOOK: Why We See What We Do
- Books
- Books on rationality
- Books on rationality)
- Books on rationality... uh, Philosophy?
- Boston Globe: That Singularity sensation
- Bouncing emails to be cleared
- Bound unhappiness below)
- Bounded population)
- Bounded utility)
- brain simulation
- Brain, Body and World
- Brainstorming ideas for monthly/bi-monthly SIAI newsletter
- Breaking a bottleneck?
- Brian Alexander 2-part interview
- Brief report on AGI-08
- Bringing Reality to Nanotechnology
- British Telecom's resident futurologist predicts human equivalent AIs by 2015
- Broken SL4 archives
- Bruce Sterling on the Singularity
- Budapest Open Access Initiative
- BuddhaBot.
- Buh-bye
- Building a friendly AI from a "just do what I tell you" AI
- Building a friendly AI from a "just do what I tell you" AI)
- Built in Hardware debugging
- Burning Man 2001: Project Singularity
- but wait, there's more
- bye bye Richard
- c * (positive qualia -negative qualia) + (1-c)* (total complexity of pattern)
- C compiler that reconfigures hardware
- C4
- Calculemus
- Call for Friendliness PR Campaign
- Call for Papers (fwd)
- Can I stop getting email and still read archives?
- Can the Singularity be outrun?
- Can't afford to rescue cows
- Can't afford to rescue cows)
- Can't afford to rescue humans
- Can't afford to resuce cows)
- Cancer and evolution
- CAS, symbolic and subsymbolic AI, etc.
- catastrophes with Shock Level < 4
- CategorizedSL4Archive - looking back over my old posts I'm embrassed :-(
- Catholicism & AGI & the singularity
- Catholics and the Singularity
- Cats (was moral)
- Cats, was I am a moral, intelligent being
- CEV of cows
- CEV specifies who the AI cares about)
- CEV specifies...)
- CEV, next take
- CFAI 1.0
- CFAI [#2]
- CFP: Artificial General Intelligence Conference
- Chaining God
- Challenge Grant Challenge for Yudkowsky's Research Fellowship
- Challenge Grant filled
- Changing links
- Changing the value system of FAI
- Chaos and Complexity defined
- Chapter Three.
- Chat Log for Saturday 11AM EST, Apr 6 event?
- Chat Logs?
- Chat tonight at 9PM EDT
- CHAT/OOPS: Wed Aug 7th, 9PM EDT
- CHAT: Saturday 11AM EDT, Jun 1.
- CHAT: Saturday 11AM EST, Apr 6
- CHAT: Today, Wednesday March 6th, at 9PM EST
- CHAT: Wed July 3rd, 9PM EDT
- CHAT: Wed Oct 2nd, 9PM EDT
- CHAT: Wed Sep 4th, 9PM EDT
- CHAT: Wednesday 9PM EDT, May 1
- Cherubic Machines
- Chess and Go study
- Chimp Genetics
- Chimps may lack altruism
- Chimps may lack altruism? Not completely.
- China-US cyberwar
- Chris McKinstry (1967-2006)
- Civilization's Fall
- Clarification about my own AI project
- clarification, if it's needed
- Clay Shirky on group dynamics
- Climate change
- cloning
- Closed.
- Clustered humans in research settings
- CNN - AI set to exceed human brain power
- CNN article with Bostrom interview and Kurzweil quotes
- Codic Cortex WAS: Six theses on superintelligence
- Coding from Scratch: Jaron Lanier
- Coercive Transhuman Memes and Exponential Cults
- Coercive Transhuman Memes...)
- Coercive...)
- Cognitive Bioscience
- Cognitive complexity from so few genes?
- Cognitive Computing 2007 Conference
- Cognitive neuroscience of consciousness
- Cognitive priming
- Cognitive Systems Conference, CCortex, and alternative friendliness aproaches
- COGSCI: Artistic Savants
- Cold-War Disarmament Activism
- Collaborative post-singularity fiction site
- Collapsarity
- Collapsarity]
- Collating views on friendliness (or whatever it is we want)
- Collective Volition
- Collective Volition fascinating but I'm not convinced ;)
- Collective Volition, next take
- Collective Volition: "knew more"
- Collective Volition: Wanting vs Doing.
- COMIC: singularity for the masses
- Communities, project management, Luke Skywalker
- comparative studies of animal vs. human intelligence?
- Complex computer programs
- Complexity of AGI
- Complexity Science
- Complexity tells us to maybe not fear UFAI
- Complexity Theory and NLP
- Complexity Theory vs Complex Systems
- Complexity, Ethics, Esthetics
- Complexity, universal predictors, wrong answers, and psychotic episodes
- Complexity, universal predictors, wrong answers, and psychoticepisodes
- Components of Friendly AI
- Computational reflection
- Computer circuits made of genes may soon program bacteria
- Computer-aided? (was "no subject")
- Computers that improve themselves
- Concerning "Human engineered earthquakes"
- concerns
- CONF: Global Catastrophic Risks
- Conference on the universe as a computer
- Conference Report: The Future of Religions - Religions of the Future - Second Life, June 4, 5
- Confidence in Friendly Singularity
- Congressman Brad Sherman on intelligence
- Conscious of the parts
- Consciousness [Humour]
- Consciousness and falsifiability
- Consciousness ~! [Humour]
- Consciousness.
- Conservative Estimation of the Economic Impact of Artificial Intelligence
- Constructing volition (was: my doubts)
- Continuing Evolution in Humans (was: A very surreal day)
- Continuity of Conscious
- continuity of self
- continuity of self [ was META: Sept. 11 and Singularity]
- Controlled ascent (was: Ben vs. Ben)
- Controlled ascent (was: Military Friendly AI)
- controlled singularity mechanism developed
- Converging Technologies Bar Association
- Convincing wealthy benefactors to back real AI research
- Conway's Free-Will Theorem (was Geddes's final hurrah)
- Copycat et al -- evolving analogies
- Copying nonsense
- Cortical Layers
- Cosmic insanity
- Cosmodelia's posts: Music and Artificial Intelligence; Jane;
- Cosmodelia's posts: Music and Artificial Intelligence; Jane;]
- Could dystopian simulated minds get control of a super AGI?
- Crack-pots [was Perspex Space]
- Cracking and Parasitic AI WAS: Floppy take-off
- Creating a Positive Transcension
- Creating a transhumanist consulting firm
- Creating an SIAI media kit - brainstorming ideas
- CRN conference liveblogging
- crockers rules open fire target: jon standley aka staphx
- Cryo-choice
- Cryonics
- Cryonics and philosophy
- CS Heroes (was Seed AI)
- Cultishness as a high-entropy state
- Current issue of Wired
- Curriculum for AI
- Cusp: Robert A. Metzger
- CV works! 'Moral Perturbation Theory'
- cyborgs & ghosts
- Cyc + Albus + Novamente
- Cyc - Was: When does it pay to play (lottery)?
- Cycorp to open more of Cyc knowledge base
- Damien Broderick does *not* `believe in communism'
- Dangers of human self-modification
- Dangers of Superintelligence
- Dark matter (was: What's going on this decade?)
- Dark matter)
- Dark matter, weird thoughts for the day
- DARPA Biologically-Inspired Cognitive Architectures Program
- Darpa Command Post Of the Future (CPOF)
- DARPA winning car 'taught' to drive, same as humans are.
- Darwinian dynamics unlikely to apply to superintelligence
- Darwinian Interlude
- Date of Singularity
- dawn of neurohacks
- De-Anthropomorphizing SL3 to SL4.
- Deadly Sins of Real AI
- Dear Human Being
- Declaration of the Rights of Avatars
- Declarative memory, hippocampus
- Deconstructing Eli: A Final Cautionary Note
- Deep Blue is officially lame
- Defining growth, choice and joy
- Defining Right and Wrong
- Defining Right and Wrong)
- Definition of intelligence, self-modificaiton, etc.
- Definition of strong recursive self-improvement
- Definition of survival
- Definitions of cognitive functions - Any pointers?
- definitions of pattern
- Degrees of abundance
- Deliver Us from Evil...?
- Delivery Status Notification (Failure)
- Denial of reality that conflicts with personal desire is not healthy
- Deontic logic any use?
- Design document authoring tool
- Designer/layout artist needed for H+ e-zine
- Designing AGI
- Designing human participation in the AI ascent
- Destruction of All Humanity
- Destruction of All Humanity)
- Development models.
- DGI Paper
- DGI, Novamente, AGI,...
- DGI: non-universality of codon->amino acid mapping
- DGI: Quick implementation of Modalities
- Diaspora, the future of AI & value systems, etc.
- Die, sick puppy! BLAM!!!
- Different View of IA
- Digest format??
- Digital Intuition
- DIGRESSION: kon-tiki and real ai
- Dinner-table QBM
- Direct neuron interface via quantum dots
- DiscoveryCh - AI)
- Discussion group meeting at Kifune Restaurant in LA on AI
- discussion so far
- Disgust and pre-wired modularity
- Dispersing AI's throughout the universe
- Dispersing AIs throughout the universe
- Dissection of a Flame
- distributed friendliness built-in OR a friendliness demi-god?
- DMOZ - Singularity category updated
- DNA as a measure of brain complexity
- Do SL4's support the war in Iraq?
- Does an AI need attention?
- Does anyone love this
- does complexity tell us that there are probably exploits?
- Does the market pass the Turing Test?
- Does the Sysop need to upload anything, anyway?
- Domain Protection
- Don't worry about my tyres
- Donaldson, Tegmark and AGI
- Donate Today and Tomorrow
- Doubling All Efforts
- Doug Bailey/Carolinas/TAX/EYLLP/US is out of the office.
- Down Under
- Dr. Jekyll, Mr. Hyde, Tooby and Cosmides
- Draft Paper: Santa's Workshop
- Dragoncon/Worldcon
- dream qualia
- drives ABC > XYZ
- Dumbasses vs. AI researchers
- Dynamic ethics
- Dynamic ethics)
- early AGI apps
- Early forecast of Singularity
- Early IQ Repost
- Earth Island Article
- Eclectic Pseudoplague
- Economic Growth Given Machine Intelligence
- Economics of cryonic suspension
- EDGE at TED 2005 - 02/25/05
- Jaron Lanier
- Jaron Lanier)
- Educating an AI.
- Education
- Education for Singularitarians?
- EET article on Microsoft AI
- effective perfection)
- Effective(?) AI Jail
- effectiveperfection)
- Egan dismisses Singularity, maybe
- Egan dismisses Singularity, maybe - oops
- EidolonTLP
- Eight-year-old physics genius enters university
- Einstein
- Einstein's SATs and early recognition
- Einstein)
- Einstein, Edison, & IQ
- Einstein, Edison, & IQ.
- eli
- Eli's intellect versus my intellect: One of us is scheduled for public humiliation ;)
- Eli's new summary of his Friendliness theory is now on Wiki
- Eliezer and spoilers
- Eliezer feeling old
- Eliezer Sabine Brian offline until Tuesday night
- Eliezer vs. Jaron Lanier
- Eliezer's Birthday
- Eliezer's Coin Flipping Duplicates Paradox
- Eliezer: unconvinced by your objection to safe boxing of "Minerva AI"
- Embodiment
- Emergence
- Emil resigns from SL4 Cabinet, replaced by List Sniper Howe
- Emotional intelligence
- emotions
- Encouraging a Positive Transcension
- Endgame:Singularity
- Engineering autistic/idiot savant capabilities
- English translation of French article about SIAI
- Enjoying the controlled ascent
- entropy and heat-death
- EP was: Why playing it safe is the most dangerous thing
- Equivalence of Legg's and Wolfram's complexity bounds on provable systems?
- Eric Drexler's personal technical site is now online
- Erotic computing: Candy bars for the ....
- Error delivering to Norbert.Pfannerer; Database is corrupt -- Cannot allocate space
- Error detecting, error correcting, error predicting
- escape from simulation
- Essay summing up all my ideas - 'Towards a Science of Morality'
- ESSAY: 'Debunking 'Hippy dippy moral philosophy'
- ESSAY: 'Debunking Hippy-Dippy moral philosophy'
- ESSAY: AI and Effective Sagacity
- ESSAY: debating charitably
- ESSAY: Forward Moral Nihilism
- ESSAY: Forward Moral Nihilism (EP)
- ESSAY: Forward Moral Nihilism)
- ESSAY: Forward Moral Nihilism.
- ESSAY: Goal Preservation
- ESSAY: How to deter a rogue AI ...)
- ESSAY: How to deter a rogue AI by using your first-mover advan tage
- ESSAY: How to deter a rogue AI by using your first-mover advantage
- ESSAY: Memetic Explosion Theory
- Essay: On psychological frames of reference
- ESSAY: Optimizing thoughts for speed
- ESSAY: Program length, Omega and Friendliness
- ESSAY: Program length, Omega and Friendliness]
- ESSAY: Program length, Omega and Infinite Running Programs
- ESSAY: The Frozen Accident God (was: Invisible, Incomprehensible Gods)
- ESSAY: Why care about artificial intelligence?
- ESSAY: Would a Strong AI reject the Simulation Argument?
- Estimates for hardware requirements?
- ESY's Research Fellowship Challenge Grant
- ET AGI is only a marginal concern
- Ethical basics
- Ethical basics and Singularity Meme
- Ethical Considerations and Rationality (was The role of consciousness)
- Ethical experimentation on AIs
- Ethical experimentation on AIs (and flys)
- Ethical Injunctions
- Ethical theories
- Ethical theories (Godel stuff)
- ethics
- Ethics (was FAI (aka 'Reality Hacking'))
- Ethics and free will
- Ethics and the Public
- ethics blackout?
- Ethics of the Cosmos
- Ethics of the cosmos??
- Ethics was In defense of physics
- Ethics was In defense of physics (was: Encouraging a Positive Transcension)
- ethics)
- Ethics, IQ
- Ethics, IQ)
- ethics, joyous growth, etc.
- ethics, joyous growth, etc. [corrected]
- Eugen Leitl on AI design
- Euler Anecdote
- Eurisko, Cyrano and Beyond
- Event horizon
- Event horizon & Moravec
- Event Horizon...
- Ever So Many Comments
- Everything I know is wrong
- Evidence that the universe is simulated
- Evidence that the universe is simulated.
- evidence?
- evidence?)
- Evil Overlord (was "The Nihilist's New Year")
- Evolution and (human) Morality
- Evolution still leaving its critics for dead
- Evolution vs. design
- Evolutionary Adaptation
- Evolutionary origin of wars
- Evolutionary psychology primer by Cosmides and Tooby
- Evolving minds
- Executive Director Planning
- ExI: Announcing ExI-Community at Yahoo!
- Existential Risk and Fermi's Paradox