Re: testing psi.

From: Damien Broderick (
Date: Tue Jan 03 2006 - 11:47:30 MST

At 12:41 PM 1/3/2006 -0500, JKC wrote:

>This is exactly why people like me hold psi researchers in such low
>regard, they use ideas of people like Robert Anton Wilson as authorities
>to support their claims and as peers for their
>"peer reviewed journals".

This is flabbergasting, John -- or, in your own terms, flabbergasting
BULLSHIT. Please provide a list of the parapsychologists at the Rhine
Institute, University of Edinburgh, University of Northampton, University
of Amsterdam and other established centers of academic parapsychology who
cite Robert Anton Wilson as an authority. Even three names would be useful
to test the credibility of your claim. Which of the peer reviewed journals
in parapsychology have Wilson as one of their referees? (It's barely
possible, I suppose, but strikes me as extremely unlikely.) As far as I can
tell, you're just making this up in a fit of bile. Something tells me that
you've never even *seen* a peer reviewed parapsychology journal if the best
you can come up with is some trashy book supporting a crackpot like
Velikovsky (whose ridiculous claims, of course, had nothing at all to do
with parapsychology).

Damien Broderick

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