Re: 3 "Real" Conscious Machines [WAS Re: Singularity: A rock 'em, shock'em ending soon?]

From: Ben Heaton (
Date: Tue Jan 17 2006 - 22:19:12 MST

On 1/17/06, Woody Long <> wrote:
> Precisely. And that is why I have proposed the Searle Chinese Room Test for
> machine consciousness. The CPU must "understand" the incoming Chinese talk
> it is translating into English, and the resulting English, in the same way
> humans do, where this is taken to mean "as it is received by human level
> consciousness." Then (and only then) it can be called for all intents and
> purposes a conscious machine.

So you're saying that for a machine to be conscious, it must
understand the input it receives. Do you have an idea for a test that
can be used to determine whether a particular machine meets that

-Ben Heaton

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