Re: Maximize the renormalized human utility function!

From: Jef Allbright (
Date: Thu Aug 10 2006 - 21:30:24 MDT

On 8/10/06, Michael Anissimov <> wrote:
> This list is called "SL4", so you should expect people here to hold
> SL4 views. It's okay if you're SL3


> With regards to your remarks on morality being the product of billions
> of years of synergetic evolution, there's an interesting experiment
> for me to bring up. If I had an atomic-level scanner and
> sophisticated nanotechnology, I could simply pick the most benevolent
> person (probably a girl) that I know, and press a button to copy them
> repeatedly. I would be making the world a better place, without
> understanding an iota about the billions of years of synergetic
> evolution underlying morality. Small wonder!


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