Re: AI investment (was AGI investment)

From: Jeff L Jones (
Date: Tue Apr 15 2008 - 19:32:45 MDT

On Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 1:07 PM, Matt Mahoney <> wrote:
> But this is about the value of my money when DNA based life is replaced with
> Jupiter brains or gray goo or whatever. I would like to survive too, although
> "survive" isn't a well defined term in a post-singularity world. If some
> fraction of my memories survive and are used to run a simulation of me in a
> more familiar world, does that simulation inherit my savings? If multiple
> copies of me are simulated in different worlds, should the savings be divided
> equally, or in proportion to the cost of simulated living? Should I draw up a
> contract now?

Also, what makes you assume there will be a such thing as "money" in a
post-singularity world?


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