AHA! A Compelling SOLUTION!

From: mwaser@cox.net
Date: Fri Mar 14 2008 - 11:05:18 MDT

Actually, just the same one as before -- substantially rephrased.

= = = = = = = = = =
Hi. I’m Mark Waser and I would like to introduce you to a new religion.

This religion has changed my life. It has given me new power to direct my life and has dramatically increased my happiness. I believe that it can do the same thing for you.

This religion is very easy to practice, never conflicts with your own personal self-interest, and even allows you to keep your current religion.

To join this religion requires only two simple things:
1) To declare that you are a member of this religion AND
2) To act like you are a member of this religion

This religion has only five fundamental beliefs:
1) You should not interfere with other people unless it is in your TRUE self-interest to do so
2) Interfering with other people SOLELY for personal enjoyment, money, power, or other similar things that people compete for is NOT in your true self-interest
3) Because everyone can make mistakes, it is NOT in your true self-interest to interfere with other people SOLELY because *you* believe that it is in *their* self-interest that you do so (because people *should* be allowed to make their own mistakes)
4) Because everyone has different beliefs about whether God exists or what God wants (and you could therefore be wrong), it is NOT in your true self-interest to interfere with other people SOLELY because of what you believe that God wants
5) It is in everyone’s best interest to spread this religion

The name of this religion is *Friendliness* (or, it can be referred to as the Friendly religion). Members of this religion are called Friendly/Friendlies.

I am a member and would very much like to talk to you further about this religion if you are interested.

Thank you *very* much for your time and attention.

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