Re: [sl4] I am a Singularitian who does not believe in the Singularity.

From: John K Clark (
Date: Thu Oct 08 2009 - 09:40:29 MDT


>> Stuart, are you seriously suggesting that the stupid leading the
>> brilliant is a permanently stable situation?

"Stuart Armstrong" <>
> Of course it is - if the brilliant desire it.

And you think this astronomically powerful mind will always want to be a
slave led around by the nose because human beings put in a line of code
that says "always obey people"; the very same people who can't write a
word processing program without bugs, the same people who can't predict
what some 5 line programs will do.

> Extreme current example: a whole section of the population follows a
> book, an object so stupid that it can't even talk back or decide
> anything at all, just because that book is holy.

Stuart, are you seriously suggesting that the stupid leading the
brilliant is a moral situation? Do you think the best analogy for the
future of humanity is a race of phony TV preachers?

I'd be much more outraged with this entire silly "friendly AI" stuff if
I thought such a horror was actually possible, but fortunately
engineering a SUPERIOR slave race is not.

 John K Clark

  John K Clark
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