Re: ESSAY: Forward Moral Nihilism

From: John K Clark (
Date: Sun May 14 2006 - 08:41:46 MDT


> Compassion, gene driven animal emotion - evolved to further cooperation
> between people - thus increasing chances of survival. [.] Morality is
> completely artificial.

You almost make artificiality sound like a bad thing. I, like most people,
much prefer manmade things because nature sucks. People may go camping on
the weekend but they return to the manmade city on Monday.

Besides your statements above are completely contradictory, if evolution
found morality increases our chance of survival then it certainly isn't
artificial. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

> Right and Wrong either do not exist, or don't matter other than in the
> qualia that they cause the person

In other words right and wrong don't matter except for the most important
thing in the universe, subjective experience.

> we should reject traditional morality and embrace moral nihilism.

Should? If you're right then why "should" we do anything? You are saying we
should reject morality because it's the right thing to do and that does not

   John K Clark

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