Re: Replicating factories project

From: Dani Eder (
Date: Fri Sep 21 2001 - 08:13:13 MDT

> I have understood The Singularity as the point in
> time where the path taken
> creates an intelligence greater than the most highly
> optimized intelligent
> individual human. Please correct me if my
> interpretation is too general or
> specific or wrong.

The Singularity was originally defined in terms of
mathematics and physics terminology. In those fields
a singularity occurs when you divide by zero or fall
into an infinite gravity well. The mathematics or
physics at that point become undefined. Vernor
Vinge defined the Technological Singularity as that
time when the future becomes undefined because so
much has changed that we can make no useful

My own definition is a bit different. If you plot
technology versus time, either the curve approaches
infinity or it will level off. The former case
occurs if there is no upper bound in the level of
technology, the latter if the physical constants
of the universe are hard limits. My definition of
the Singularity is then that time in either case
when technological progress is fastest. It is
a singular event in history in that it happens
only once, hence the name.
> Isn't thinking the most important step towards The

> Having completely automated self-replicating systems
> requires intelligence, even
> if it is Artificial.

You don't need AI for a replicating robot system.
Current computers are up to the job. Consider
your replicating robot factory. It is made up of
a finite number of parts. Each part is made from
a finite number of raw materials processed by
a finite number of manufacturing steps, then
assembled in a finite number of ways. Therefore
the entire replication process for the factory
can be stored as a simple sequential program of
finite size.

Dani Eder

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