About that E-mail:...

From: Josh Yotty (oriondigital@techie.com)
Date: Sat Sep 30 2000 - 18:04:54 MDT

I'm willing to bet the people working toward superhuman intelligence will be hunted down. Of course, the people hunting us down will be irrational, ignorant, narrowminded and stupid. If I remember correctly, less than ten percent of the world's population can be classified as rational. (This is temperament. Check out what I mean at http://www.keirsey.com)

Images of the Salem witch trials come to mind. We probably will not be safe. People will automatically think that we are trying to:

A) Take over the world.
B) "Purify" the world by killing most of humanity
C) Any other stupid reason you can think of.

Humanity, as a whole, is stupid. America is made up of media zombies who act on gossip and whims, and rumors. Having an original and true thought really hurts. In fact, Bill Joy's "Why the future doesn't need us" on Wired had a writing from Kazynski (I know that's not how it is spelled; you know, the Unabomber) that stated, basically, superhuman intelligence would either destroy us all or take away all meaning from life.

Well, anyway, we might have to move to another country or gradually introduce the concept to other people or not inform the general public (either not saying anything or hiding it behind lots of technospeak, computer jargon, and large-word gobbledygook).

What do you think?
                  Josh Yotty
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