Success of 1st SIAI volunteer meeting; announcing weekly get-together

From: Tyler Emerson (
Date: Mon Mar 08 2004 - 02:15:49 MST

Sincere thanks to everyone at the volunteer meeting on Sunday. I
believe we had ~20 there with seven new people offering support.

It is clear that one meeting per month is too little given the
amount of focused discussion that must happen before progress does.

Beginning next Sunday, SIAI will have a weekly meeting at 7 PM EST
in #siaiv - the same channel of our monthly *official* meeting,
which will continue to be the first Sunday of each month.

The weekly meeting will focus on SIAI planning, action, brainstorming
and reporting. I suspect it will provide regular encouragement -
with accountability - for those who seek advancement of this cause
and commmunity. Have a good week everyone. Best wishes.

Tyler Emerson                      
Executive Director, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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