Michael Anissimov's 'Shock Level Analysis'

From: Nat Jones (nat350@hotmail.com)
Date: Wed Jan 16 2002 - 14:52:56 MST


A fun read. Thanks Michael. Anyone on this mailing list fit the following
description, if only in spirit, of an SL5'er?

"SL5: NeoSingularitarian Omegists. These people believe in the idea of a
'Ontotechnological Singularity' or the idea that once the Singularity
occurs, it will immediately get ontotechnology, faster than light travel,
time travel, near-infinite power sources, near-infinite virtual space, and
take on the quality of having a near-infinite number of dimensions. You
could call these people the human embodiments of the Singularity. A
radically strict version of Singularitarian. They spend all of their time,
money and energy on attempting to reach the Singularity as soon as possible.
They drop out of school or college because it is a waste of time. This
person is almost certainly a computer programmer, a fanatical memetic
engineer, or perhaps a tycoon who works intensely hard to accumulate wealth
so he can donate it to the Cause. The only activities this person engages
in are those that will bring about a quicker Singularity. Sex is only used
as an anti-stress mechanism. More fanatic than religious fanatics because
their beliefs have a logical foundation rather than a illogical one. They
attempt to integrate weak AI into everything they do, and would probably be
constantly on smart drugs or even possibly low doses of psychedelics.
Probably vegan (don't eat any animal products) so that they can digest food
as efficently as possible and spend as little time as possible in the
bathroom. No newspaper reading, TV watching, movie watching....they attempt
to keep all their information input on the SL4-5 level. Anthropomorphism
and ontocentrism is notably faded. They spend nearly all their time
programming or collaborating with other researchers on the Internet. Such a
hypothetical person might would probably have an important role as part of
the final AI development team. I forsee the existence of at least 10 of
these people as imminent and an upper limit of several thousand in the
entire history of pre-Singularity reality. The entire evolution and
development not of society, or humanity, or life, but of the entire Universe
will culminate in these individuals."


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