Re: how to do something with really small probability?

From: Jey Kottalam (
Date: Thu Nov 01 2007 - 15:38:26 MDT

On 11/1/07, Byrne Hobart <> wrote:
> It can generate a random number between 0 and 1, and multiply that by 1/3^^^3?
> Or not. I don't have a background in this, but that's my usual hack.

Sure, if you can generate a random real in [0, 1] with "resolution" of
3^^^3.... which is just as hard as generating an integer between 0 and
3^^^3. :-)

If you're generating a 64-bit fixed point or floating point number in
[0, 1] and multiplying by 3^^^3, you're still getting a resolution of
at best 2^64.

-Jey Kottalam

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