RE: Is generalisation a limit to intelligence?

From: Rafael Anschau (
Date: Sat Dec 02 2000 - 12:25:23 MST

>To sum it up: Is there some way to combine the fuzzy quality >that
>relies on with the rigid quality of not making a single mistake? >Is
>generalisation a limit to intelligence?

Hofstader mentions that in GEB. Here's the way I see it:

When you generalize, you chunk information, jump out of the system and plays
with the generalized information(but loose some control over the sub-details
of it). Like in chess... You first learn the rules, then a few traps, then
go to tactics. Afer tactics becomes obvious, you go to a higher level , you
think strategically. At this point, you might filter the board SO MUCH to
the point that you might miss the simple fact that a bishop is attacking a
rook. (something amateurs often won't do).
The way I play is something like:

Check for some success in strategical level.
Check for success in tactical level.
Check for success in avoiding traps.
Check for success at the rawest level(is there a threat going on now).

Since the "brain only pays atention to one thing at the time"
(sorry I don't know a neurological, low level way of putting this) not
making a mistakes will occour if you
operate at each level of abstraction at the time, or find
ways to leave subneural nets operating at the lower levels
by themselves.

Rafael Anschau

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