Re: How hard a Singularity?

From: Michael Roy Ames (
Date: Thu Jun 27 2002 - 13:47:30 MDT

Eugen Leitl wrote:
> > And, to address a related issue: if someone offers suggestions that
> > "make no sense" or are "incoherent"... why wouldn't you ignore them?
> Let's see: I'm doing something which is going to profoundly alter the
> course of life in most of the visible cosmos, and I'm being sloppy with
> checking the design. Hey, the others are all idiots anyway, right? This
> kinda redefines engineering hubris.

Eugen, either you are:

a) deliberately misinterpreting my statement for rhetorical effect or
b) you didn't understand my statement

I shall assume b), and provide a clearer statement -->

"And, to address a related issue: if someone offers suggestions that are
illogical, self-contradictory, or rely on irrational beliefs... then we
would be correct to ignore them"

The related point is: it doesn't matter if the suggesters are idiots or
geniuses, it is the quality of the suggestions that count.

Michael Roy Ames

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