Re: Fun with Experimental Design [WAS: Re: The Conjunction Fallacy Fallacy]

Date: Sun May 07 2006 - 01:50:21 MDT

Ben & Eli,
I would have thought that there were more than enough "human - human"
interaction models to draw upon here.
As in debates or arguments between rational humans and irrational humans,
where :
rational human = person who is natural sceptic, believes in science & the
scientific method and may be persuaded by rational argument. Generally
well-informed.(there are plenty of other criteria you could add to this list.)
irrational human = not sceptical, religious with literal/fundamental
interpretations of that religion, does not anderstand the sum accumulation of human
knowledge, is NOT generally persuaded by rational argument. Generally NOT
well-informed. (there are plenty of other criteria you could add to this list
For a Classic example of the above, see T.H. Huxley versus Bishop Sam
Wilberforce in debates re Darwinian Evolution, England. 1860.
Paul C.

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