
From: primeradiant (
Date: Fri Oct 29 2004 - 05:37:01 MDT

Dear All,

    Thank you for your replies. I'll be away for 5 dsays at a conference - I'll deal with them in detail when I return. In the meantime, here's the Petitot quote:

"Il y a. un problème de philosophie des sciences encore largement impensé. Tout se passe en effet comme si, loin d'être de simples gestes d'idéalisation par passage de l'approximatif au rigoureux, les actes fondateurs des grandes ruptures scientifiques étaient des actes forclusifs scotomisant une strate réelle de l'être au profit d'une élaboration symbolique."

"There exists . a problem in the philosophy of science that is little recognised as yet. Everything [in the History of Science - my note] would appear to unfold as if, instead of simple, idealistic steps from approximation to greater rigour, major scientific breakthroughs were in fact acts of containment which scotomised certain levels of reality by means of symbolic elaboration" (My translation).

Jean Petitot (1978). Sur le Modèle Historique de Thom-Pomian - Mathématiques et Sciences Humaines, 16e année no 64, 1978 pp. 43-70.

Have a think about it.

Best wishes,

Paul Ziolo

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