Re: Conscious of the parts

From: Rik van Riel (
Date: Thu Aug 31 2006 - 19:21:14 MDT

Tennessee Leeuwenburg wrote:

> Assumption of scaling.

Speaking of which, researchers are looking at how crayfish (and
other invertebrates) can get reasonable sensory input and reactions
with *way* fewer neurons than required by mammalian brains.

To me this suggests that maybe we will be able to produce artificial
intelligence that is more efficient than human brains, resulting
in a smarter intelligence even with computers having less raw


"Invertebrates such as insects and crustaceans achieve similar movement
and sensory outcomes to humans. For example, finding food and selection
of appropriate mates and nesting sites. Where humans use millions of
neurons to achieve such outcomes, invertebrates do it with thousands.
Where humans use hundreds, invertebrates may use as few as six," he says.

"It is this parsimony, that ability to control complex behaviours with
an amazingly small amount of brain power that attracts scientists from
disciplines including robotics engineering, computer programming,
biology, mathematics and neurology."
(From Univ. Melbourne)


What is important?  What you want to be true, or what is true?

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