Re: neural nets

From: Rok Sibanc (
Date: Wed Jan 25 2006 - 07:00:15 MST

My own calculations.

Brain: 10^11 neurons * 10^3 conn per neuron * 10^2 Hz = 10^16 connection
updates per sec

Desktop computer (3 gflop, 3flops per connection update assumed): 10^9
connection updates per sec
10^7 factor.
10^7 = 2^n (assuming Moore's law)
n ~ 23 * 1.5 years ~ 35 years for normal computer to reach computing speed
of brain.

Looking at list. first computer (blue gene ~ 300000 gflops =
3*10^14) is only about 100x slower than brain.
100 time increase in computer power is achievable in about 10 years (Moore's
law again).


On 1/25/06, Russell Wallace <> wrote:
> On 1/24/06, Rok Sibanc <> wrote:
> >
> > 1 million neurons/second... beacause every neuron has to do
> > multiplication of every incoming input and sumation of all weighted inputs
> > and finally sigmoid function which is expressed with taylor's polynomial.
> Well, CyTG compared the 1 million with (a very conservative estimate of)
> 1E14 for the brain, which suggests he was referring to updates of individual
> synapses. If he meant 1 million neurons of 1000 synapses each, then that
> would make sense, but the comparison is then not valid, and the computer
> comes out looking better than had been suggested.
> - Russell

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