Re: [sl4] Friendly AI in the media: Terminator, the Sarah Connor Chronicles

From: BillK (
Date: Sat Dec 20 2008 - 16:51:45 MST

On Sat, Dec 20, 2008 at 10:56 PM, Thomas Buckner wrote:
> This is why people own Strunk & White. The entire sentence needs rebuilding almost from the ground > up. It likely ought to read:
> "FYI, Terminator, the Sarah Connor Chronicles, Season 2 episode 13, ends as follows.
> A minor character tries to explain, to an AI connected to a body eminently capable of committing
> homicide, and did homicide through negligence, why it shouldn't kill people."
> Clarity is style.

If you are aiming for clarity, long sentences are confusing.

I have just watched Terminator, the Sarah Connor Chronicles, Season 2
episode 13.
There is a scene near the end involving an AI which previously
committed homicide through negligence and is now operating via a body
eminently capable of committing homicide. A minor character tries to
explain to the embodied AI why it is not good to kill people.


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