Re: Measuring(quantifying) morality?

From: Charles D Hixson (
Date: Tue Aug 15 2006 - 11:01:02 MDT

Jef Allbright wrote:
> On 8/14/06, Anthony Mak <> wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> ...
> ...
> It is important to note that this measurement of morality would be
> strictly relative to the snapshot of values and point of view of the
> population. Thus you can certainly detect relative progress, an arrow
> of morality ratcheting forward, but to the extent that value matrices
> are incongruent, you can't assign any objective scale or direction to
> the progress nor make any objective comparisons of morality between
> different populations and their values.
> The good news is that morality doesn't have to be objective for US to
> evaluate our actions for expected progress in terms of OUR subjective
> goals. The arrow points outward in the direction of what works.
> - Jef
It's also based on a scale that's fixed in time. I.e., it won't change
in response to changing facts, circumstances, options, etc. Thus, to
pick an appropriate example "If a woman contradict her husband her teeth
shall be bashed with bricks." would be a moral statement. (There was a
time, place, and population, that considered it it would still
be one.)

That gives you an objective measure of *something*, but I would hesitate
to call it morality.

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