RE: Logos Rejected by the Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

From: mike99 (
Date: Thu Feb 20 2003 - 15:29:40 MST

In the US military they jokingly call their MRE's (field rations) Meals
Rejected by Ethiopians.

We might call your rejected logos Memes Rejected by Extropians.

Mike LaTorra
  -----Original Message-----
  From: []On Behalf Of T. Pow
  Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2003 11:00 PM
  Subject: Logos Rejected by the Singularity Institute for Artificial

  I'll actually begin with a short introduction, as I'm new to the list. My
name is Tyrone Pow, I live in Canada, and I recently volunteered my efforts
as a professional website and graphic designer to help The Singularity
Institute establish it's 'corporate identity'.

  In my efforts to create an appropriate and inspiring logo that captures
the essence and spirit of the Singularitarian movement, there were a few
rejected designs. Determined to not let my efforts go /entirely/
unappreciated, I thought I'd share the various designs submitted thus far.
None of these were met with satisfaction.

  Stay tuned for the new logo to rear it's beautiful head in the coming

  Tyrone Pow

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