Re: Games, competition and FSI education.

From: Michael Roy Ames (
Date: Sun Feb 09 2003 - 15:14:26 MST

Gordon Worley wrote (with snippage):
> If you're going to say "these are just games and you should not think
> about them in relation to anything" then you might as well not have
> any games played at all.

Indeed. That is exactly the opposite of my suggestion, which is: if
competitive games are to be taught, they must be taught within a wider
positive-sum context.

> Worse yet, what if it learns how to be deceptive while playing games.

Yes, what if? This issue shares similar difficulties to that of
competition, and I would suggest similar solutions. Deception is a
useful technique is certain situations, as long as it is used as a
subgoal in service of a larger positive-sum goal - such as the poker
example. As with competitiveness, deception should be explained and
taught only when the Seed AI can understand its utility in the larger
positive-sum context.

> There is far more to games than winning and losing. If that were all
> there were we could probably have a seed AI play games, but games are
> much deeper than you seem to be thinking.

Games can be as 'shallow' or as 'deep' as you want to make them. I am
not currently addressing the depth of games in this thread, but rather
the idea of competition within games as part of the educational process.

Michael Roy Ames

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