From: Simon Belak (
Date: Thu Feb 02 2006 - 05:17:40 MST
The way I see it, main requirements are:
1) data=code=data=code abstraction. In other words, there is no difference
between compile-time and run-time.
2) Ability to create domain specific languages (within itself).
3) Lends itself naturally (no programmer intervening needed) to extreme
parallelism (>1M nano-threads) and distributed computing.
probably useful:
a) Formal definition of low complexity (simple grammar, no undefined
low keyword and symbol count, few built-in types, etc.).
b) No boilerplate (if done right, consequence of a)).
Quoting Richard Loosemore <>:
> My answer: none of the below.
> For what I want to do, I need to build my own language. It is not easy.
> Problem is, I cannot imagine being able to do it in any of the languages
> you mention, and I have had too much experience of many of them.
> You forgot to mention occam. Wicked language, but also wickedly
> beautiful. One of the closest for what I need. Give me a cross between
> Smalltalk and occam and I will be half happy.
> Richard Loosemore.
> Kevin Osborne wrote:
>> without putting a fire under yet another religious programming
>> language 'discussion' of attrition, I have what for me is an important
>> question in regards to AGI development and seed developer syllabus:
>> what programming language are we going to code an AGI with?
>> when answering this question I probably want to dismiss convoluted
>> combinations of systems, specialist languages/compilers that may
>> (already?) be developed for AGI purposes and focus on:
>> what's the best language to develop the AGI workhorse code in?
>> 'workhorse' here means the code that will bridge the gap from the
>> not-so 'intelligent' systems we have now and be able to bootstrap a
>> higher semantic-language/instruction-set that will be part of the
>> first steps towards an AGI.
>> Here's a hopefully not-too-biased critique-that-invites-critique of
>> some of the choices as they stand:
>> C: I'm separating this from C++ as, well, most of the crack C
>> programmers I've worked with view C++ as some kind of leperous cousin;
>> they're able to make a host of criticisms of C++ in contrast to C but
>> I'm not one to repeat them succinctly I think. In summary;
>> positives:
>> - it's the fastest; without question. It also runs on every board on
>> the planet. There are a host of _great_ tools and compilers from the
>> likes of GCC, Sun, Intel, IBM, HP etc. If you want to write your own
>> OS kernel then you'll be doing it in C.
>> - the #1 choice for RTOS. if you want it to run real-time, it'll be in
>> C. I''ve personally had exposure to the VxWorks and Nucleus hard
>> real-time systems and a soft real-time Linux (Monta Vista). Even if
>> don't end up with
>> kernel=observer/ego/consciousness/insert-your-term-here, going
>> real-time seems to be an intuitive requirement for replicating a range
>> of faculties. That said, real-time code is very limited to what it can
>> do; it runs out of puff pretty quickly when climbing the OSI stack.
>> - Macros are a great language feature, and can provide some of the
>> extensibility and run-time switching needed.
>> - great debugging tools and lint collectors like Purify that can
>> pretty much guarantee against a number of errors like memory leaks and
>> overwrites
>> negatives:
>> - plumbing code. it just plain sucks to have to call memset, malloc
>> and free everywhere. #IFDEF may be damn useful but for me is ugly as
>> hell
>> - complexity/productivity. add all the plumbing code in; the need to
>> track and free all your resources; macros that obfuscate recursive &
>> often cyclic function calls to n levels; the need to dick with your
>> defines both in the code and in the compiler, and the flag mess that
>> ensues when you are linking against every man and his dll and you end
>> up with a language great for low-level tweaking of the cpu instruction
>> set and a morass once it scales that eats huge amounts of programmer
>> time dicking with the maintenance of flags, variables and
>> linker/compiler bleats. this inevitibly sucks large amounts of time
>> away from higher-level functional work, especially during integration
>> with other people's code. I'd posit it as a given that we are going to
>> have to write more higher-level functional code than for any other
>> project ever attempted. To code the capabilities and faculties of
>> smart human is going to be a ridiculously huge endeavour. And once our
>> boy is smart enough he'll be rewriting himself bigger and bigger while
>> rewriting our code smaller and smaller. we just need to write
>> something big enough so that he has the capability to do so.
>> C++: the current language of choice for all large critical systems
>> worldwide. The OSes are written in C, but the apps are in C++. When
>> your plane lands, it's C++; when the latest NASA space-gadget bleeps,
>> it's C++. The vast majority of apps that run global infrastructure are
>> in C++.
>> positives:
>> - first things first; every VM and interpreter of note for the
>> bytecode/interpreted languages is written in C++. A Java programmer
>> bitching about C++ is like a hand bitching about it's forearm. If you
>> want to hack your own special JIT or JVM, you'll need to be doing it
>> in C++
>> - Most of the RTOS vendors provide C++ APIs; so real-time application
>> development is available (for a cost)
>> - There's a larger body of support libraries available than for C when
>> it comes to higher-level functions; the STL is a great example
>> negatives:
>> - as noted in one of the posts above, the toolset is awful in
>> comparison. g++ is gcc's ugly cousin. linker errors, especially with
>> STL code, are even more convoluted than C.
>> - complexity/productivity. template soup is a great example. and yes,
>> it still has pointers and memory housekeeping requirements, and yes,
>> any plumbing work that is programming-language specific is a negative.
>> Yes, some programmers thrive in this enviroment; however it is
>> defnitely not competing when it comes to the RAD qualities of say,
>> Perl or (gasp)VB.
>> - Microsoft are dumping C++ like a brazilian baby. For all their
>> faults, MS are a cluey bunch, especially when it comes to developers.
>> They've got to have seen something plenty nasty in the bathwater to
>> eat the cash-outlay gobstopper that is C#/.NET
>> Java: The contender to replace C++ pretty much; the guys behind the
>> language came out and said that they created Java to put the kiss of
>> death to Bjarne's creation. This puppy is running some crucial
>> high-load apps now, especially in finance. Also becoming the app layer
>> of choice on mobiles through I doubt that's relevant here.
>> positives:
>> - a memory managed language; less programmer time spent playing
>> nursemaid to an incomplete toolchain.
>> - APIs/Libraries/Tools. The core API is simply enormous; if you want
>> to do something, think of a class name that fits, and it'll probably
>> be in the VM already. What isn't in their yet is probably either in
>> the JSR's, sourceforge or IBM. Ant and JUnit(stack, incl things like
>> HTTPUnit & JCoverage) are truly revolutionary in the tool space. They
>> make makefiles and test stubs look archaic.
>> - developers. every tertiary institution on the planet is pumping them
>> out like sperm. we can debate their veracity, but the simple fact is
>> most coders (of _any_ langauge) couldn't give a rats' about coding an
>> AGI so having a deeper resource pool has got to help
>> - reflection. run-time introspection, querying the classloader etc.
>> gives more flexibilty than most strong/static typed languages
>> - remoting. RMI/EJB have their issues, but you have a distributed
>> systems stack in the core API. CORBA for C/C++ is an inferior
>> (supported) subset.
>> - price. it's all pretty much free as in beer, and free as in open
>> source otherwise, apart from the spec. this _does_ matter; thirty
>> C/C++ VxWorks/Metrowerks/ADS developer licenses would sting a pretty
>> penny.
>> negatives:
>> - slowness. Now, this is historically overblown, especially in
>> relation to the original GUI (remember applets? anyone?) and I/O
>> impementations which have either been superseded or obseleted. Having
>> had a look at some of the Sun source code, their C/C++ programmers are
>> kickass (think Solaris). They've spent years refactoring every
>> bottleneck and apples-for-apples underperformer in comparison to STL
>> C++ until the difference is often negligible (check their marketing
>> 'fact'oids). And for performance over a longer run, the application
>> servers with thier hacked JIT's and pre-loaded code means that Java
>> gets quicker the longer you run it (discounting any leaks, which are,
>> sadly, still present, though much reducied in comparision to early
>> JDKs). Another thing is that slowness seems to pretty much be a
>> non-issue where AGI development is concerned; by the time we finish
>> hacking at the thing the hardware and tools will be generations
>> better. You either need real-time; or you let Moore's law do your work
>> for you. My Java apps from 1998 fly on newer RAM-stacked hardware.
>> - strong+static typing. my feeling is that writing on-the-fly runtime
>> customizable code is going to be needed to replicate what a brain can
>> do. Reflection helps but isn't enough; Java is a little too
>> monolithically structured when compared to something like Lisp; the
>> code is very homogenous, and doesn't seem to have the agility to adapt
>> well. I think this is somewhat intended to stop migrating VB
>> developers from deciding they now want to be Perl programmers but it
>> doesn't aid in dexterity.
>> .NET/C#
>> you can pretty much replicate everything said for Java here as it's a
>> flat ripoff; that's why I think Sun had no qualms ripping off ASP and
>> calling it JSP.
>> positives: they've learned their lessons from Java's mistakes; most
>> things are less broken in the IL and the CLR. It's early days though
>> and some of the apps I've seen behave atrociously.
>> negatives: price; no option for CLR hacking. And it's got to be said,
>> MS are evil bastards; trying being a chair in Steve Ballmer's office,
>> let alone Netscape, Sun or Real.
>> Perl
>> OK I'll state my bias here; I've clearly coded in most of the others
>> previously mentioned but Perl took my commercial programming virginity
>> - and no, not doing CGI. Perl6/Parrot, while unfinished, seem to me to
>> be pretty damn compelling. Once they have Parrot out with plugins for
>> Lisp/Haskell/Java etc they'll have a pretty damn decent alternative to
>> .NET. and having regex support within the syntax is just plain right.
>> positives:
>> - libraries. CPAN is huge; there's a module for most everything you
>> can find in the Java API and plenty else besides
>> - speed. competes tidily with C++, especially in batch processing.
>> - typing. weak+dynamic. Perl doesn't care what it is or where it came
>> from or what you're trying to do with it. 'use strict' can tighten the
>> belt if needed for debugging. the auto/dynaloader magick allows
>> run-time composition and execution of completely new
>> functions/classes. The things the monks and their kin can do with this
>> language is spectacular in a very scary way
>> negatives:
>> - oo. people knock their ISA implementation as a bolt-on. has always
>> worked fine for me though. but it's definitely not as structured as
>> say Java
>> - complexity. weak+dynamic gives bad programmers license to kill. some
>> perl code is unmaintainable. some wizards also take perverse pleasure
>> in writing incredibly obfuscated code, unmatched outside of the
>> functional languages I expect
>> - toolset. perl is, well, fractured. it's a bit all over the place.
>> you can get most anything to work, but just about everything is
>> idiosyncratic as hell. Perl6/Parrot should put some kind of nail in
>> this, but you never know with these crazy Perl nuts
>> Lisp
>> I have no sodding idea about Lisp apart from doing some reading
>> recently and downloading a common Lisp compiler. That said, a good
>> portion of the brightest minds in programming reserve a special status
>> for Lisp.
>> positives: functional/macro language right? good for self-evolving code
>> negatives: Lisp already failed as the AI coding language of choice.
>> Quibble all you like but it's 0 for 1, and AI Winter and the decline
>> of Lisp seem interwined. Common Lisp doesn't even come close to
>> matching the breadth of the bytecode-based APIs.
>> Candidates dismissed for discussion, and why:
>> (these langauges seemed to me to have no standout qualities that
>> belied their shortcomings; and basically they just don't compete in
>> the same league as the heavyweights)
>> Pascal/Delphi etc: subsets of C/C++
>> Python/PHP/Ruby: subsets of Perl/Java, with piss all supporting
>> libraries for non-web applications in comparison
>> Haskell or functional-language-of-choice: Useful past the bootstrap
>> level, and mixed in via say Parrot could be useful; but underweight
>> for workhorse work in terms of developer-space footprint
>> ADA/Fortran archaic-failed-language-of-choice: nothing better than Lisp.
>> Assembler/Machine language: all great, until you leave x86 to go to
>> Cell chips; then you're stuffed
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