RE: AI boxing

From: Ben Goertzel (
Date: Wed Jul 20 2005 - 16:24:53 MDT

> c) "magic" has to be accounted for. How many things can you do
> that a dog
> would simply NEVER think of? This doesn't have to be "quantum
> cheat codes".
> It could be something as simple as using the electromagnetic
> fields within
> the microchip to trap CO2 molecules in Bose-Einstein condensates
> and build a
> quantum medium for itself and/or use electromagnetic fields to guide
> particles into the shape of a controlled assembler or limited
> assembler. It
> could involve using internal electronics to hack local radio
> traffic. But
> it probably involves doing things I haven't thought of.

This is a key point. If our knowledge of physics is incomplete in the wrong
ways, then (to speak loosely) what we think is a box may not really be a box

-- Ben

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