Re: To kick off your day..

From: Perry E.Metzger (
Date: Sat Dec 13 2003 - 09:05:42 MST

"Tyrone Pow" <> writes:
> UN Predicts 9 Bln People by 2300, Many of Them Old
> Reuters, Dec. 9, 2003
> The human race could have 9 billion people by 2300, Japanese will live to
> 108, and Africa's population will explode while Europeans could dwindle, the
> United Nations predicted.

I imagine that in 1700, predictions about the astounding improvements
in sail ships might have been around. Except for humor value, I don't
really know what value such predictions have.


> However, if fertility levels in the developing world remain at today's
> levels, the global population would reach 244 billion in 2150 and 134
> trillion in 2300."
> 209/sc_nm/un_population_dc
> Here's hoping for a Singularity that isn't delayed by 300 years in a fertile
> society.
> Tyrone Pow

Perry E. Metzger

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