Re: Neural/Digital convergence: dynamic memory and bucket brigades

From: Yan King Yin (
Date: Fri Oct 10 2003 - 01:08:50 MDT

From: James Rogers <>
>When I went back and looked up some neuroscience papers on column and
>chain structures in the brain, I noticed that there are a lot of
>structures that look very similar to that whole family of analog buffer
>circuits, and in the places I would normally expect to find these kinds
>of buffering structures computationally. But the references to analog
>buffers I've found (and only a small number of vaguely related papers
>show up on Google), do not seem to be referring to complex multi-neuron
>structures in the way I am. Looking at some papers, it seems that they
>are looking at the same macro structures, but their thoughts are in the
>wrong place conceptually to see that model pop out.

Hi James =)

1. The delay network idea has been explored from the
ANN perspective such as Jordan (1992) and Elman (1990)
networks, etc. They are recurrent, discrete-time networks
capable of learning temporal sequences. Maybe you knew
this already, from what you wrote.

2. In neuroscience, cortical columns as delay networks
has been proposed to be the basis of the 7+/-2 'working
memory' [John Lisman] in the prefrontal cortex.

Also, the hippocampus can retain temporal sequences.
This has been experimentally observed and modeled.
During sleep, the hippocampus also seems to 'replay'
temporal sequences learned during the day.

3. I think memory mechanisms in the brain probably
operate on a whole range of time scales. *Also*, it is
possible that cortical columns can hold delay memories
and long-term memories at the same time. This is an
interesting possibility.

I think AI can learn a lot from cognitive neuroscience,
but I'm not very familiar with that area....

Cheers =)

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