From: Stephen Reed (
Date: Wed Oct 08 2003 - 10:00:57 MDT
On 7 Oct 2003, James Rogers wrote:
> On Tue, 2003-10-07 at 13:31, Perry E. Metzger wrote:
> > Stephen Reed <> writes:
> > > Or if that is not the case
> > > then I say that one of Cyc's RGB color representations is unambiguous
> > > given its vocabulary for stating the intensity of the red, green, and
> > > blue light that make up the perceived color.
> >
> > But of course, it is not obvious that the RGB representation is
> > sufficiently accurate to unambiguously describe all colors.
> Fluorescent colors are an example of human perceivable colors that
> cannot be represented in RGB. RGB is a good approximation of human
> color perception, but not exhaustive.
Cyc also has vocabulary for the Munsell color representation scheme:
"The Munsell system of color classification defines colors based upon
three characteristics: hue, brightness (a.k.a. value) and chroma. Every
color has each of these qualities except for neutral colors (i.e.
PureWhiteColor, PureBlackColor, and all shades of PureGrayColor in
between) which do not have hue or chroma, but only brightness."
-- =========================================================== Stephen L. Reed phone: 512.342.4036 Cycorp, Suite 100 fax: 512.342.4040 3721 Executive Center Drive email: Austin, TX 78731 web: download OpenCyc at ===========================================================
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