RE: SIAI's flawed friendliness analysis

From: Ben Goertzel (
Date: Sat May 17 2003 - 15:12:17 MDT

> I don't think that determining the state of mind of the
> programmers who build AIs is all that relevant, just as the
> state of mind of nuclear engineers isn't that relevant to
> safety inspections of nuclear power plants. The focus belongs
> on the artifact itself.

Hey Bill, some folks in the military intelligence community might disagree
with you!

A really good psych-evaluation machine would actually be really helpful in
rooting out saboteurs and spies.... As well as in rooting out people with
politically subversive thoughts, deviant sexuality, and so forth ... hmmm


> The danger of outlaws will increase as the technology for
> intelligent artifacts becomes easier. But as time passes we
> will also have the help of safe AIs to help detect and
> inspect other AIs.

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