Re: Singularity Institute - update

From: Kwame Porter-Robinson (
Date: Thu May 01 2003 - 09:10:08 MDT

hi all,

I read that the SI was likely, but not certainly, to
use Java. You may want to consider Lush; "bindings to
the JavaVM API and to the Python C API (available
soon)", "Several libraries for machine learning,
neural net, statistical estimation, Hidden Markov
Models (gblearning, Torch, HTK).", "A compiler that
produces very efficient C code and relies on the C
compiler to produce efficient native code (no
inefficient bytecode or virtual machine). "

And if your looking for first class functions in java:
The pizza compiler,

Question: Let's say that the SI had been working for
two years or so and made some progress. At that point,
would you accept code that creates a very primitive AI
if someone just gave it to you? By "very primitive AI"
I mean a simple learning process that could organize
information and extrapolate upon it, but acts at
something between animal and human infant level.
(Imagine a "broken seed AI")

And, if you'll listen, let me warn you. I've noticed a
strong trend where several people do things to help
others (save the world, invent great things, etc) but
they "buy" into the system they're trying to save by
employing secrecy and/or expecting material reward.
Imagine if all the work from SI were confiscated by a
government. Humanity would be in a far better position
if all the work was online, (distributed to all) than
if it resided at one point.

If you are serious about this then consider how you
will guard against sabotage and confiscation. It would
be irresponsible to post code online for all, but in
some way you work should be distributed among others.

I hope this helps.

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