Singularity article in "The Futurist" - May/June 03

From: Tyler Emerson (
Date: Sat Apr 26 2003 - 08:34:16 MDT

This month's "The Futurist" has a six page article on the Singularity, written by James John Bell (wrote "Technotopia" for Earth Island Journal), with SIAI and Singularity Watch in the "Resources On the Web." There is also "The Limits of Complexity and Change" by Theodore Modis (Amara recently mentioned this on the list).

Also, the next Whole Earth is supposed to be devoted to the Singularity, though I didn't see it at B&N or Borders.

James John Bell: (Thanks sincerely for the Futurist article, James!)

Tyler Emerson
Director, Institute for Accelerating Change

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