From: Paul Hughes (
Date: Wed Apr 02 2003 - 09:43:42 MST
Ok, point by point, I'm going to show how the negative
feelings you mentioned can be integrated and
experienced as positive bliss.
--- Michael Baj <> wrote:
> In fact, this is a bad thing. The people with that
> syndrome generally
> die in their early 20s.
I agree that not feeling pain or any other emotion for
that matter is a bad thing. My thesis though, is that
as long as you feel the feeling you are able to
receive all the information that feeling has for you,
but more importantly it is possible and desirable to
> The reason is that they
> don't have the feedback
> signals that tell them when they're damaging their
> body, and they suffer
> from massive inflammation of the joints simply from
> not shifting their
> weight when it gets uncomfortable, something that's
> second nature to the
> rest of us that feel pain.
Pain ultimately is intense amounts of energy that
emanate from the damaged area to your brain. Most
people experience this intensity in a negative
context, resulting in suffering. It is possible, and
I can attest, to experience this energy as
pleasurable. Last year I fell off an elevated
platform, and broke my ankle, and experience some
seriois abrasions in several areas. I immediately
applied everyting I learned in Yoga and Vivation, and
within 30 seconds began to feel the intense pain, as
intense pleasure, and because of that was even more
accutely aware of the damaged areas, and took great
care to not damage myself further. According to the
doctors, I healed almost twice as fast as normal.
> That is going to be true of many of the negative
> psychological emotions
> that we feel. The ability to feel sad is the other
> side of the coin of
> the ability to feel love and commitment. If you
> didn't feel sad when
> you child died, could you have really loved your
> child?
Yes, feeling sadness is again important. But when
sadness is truly integrated, the tears flow, and the
overwhelming feeling is tranformed into one of deep
gratitude. I lost my father to pancreatic cancer, at
the first of this year. As I integrated more and more
of the grief, my sense of gratitude deepened, and I
was able to be truly be present and loving to my
father in his last days. While I was by his bedside
loving and laughing with my father, most of my family
were off in their rooms in depression and grief.
> If you can't
> feel anxious, I'm sure I don't have to remind anyone
> in this room that
> anxiety gets us to do many things that otherwise we
> would not have done.
There are only two types of fear - rational and
irrational. Rational fear is what you feel if you are
about to get hit by a truck, and you run to move out
of its way. Most anxiety however, is irrational fear.
A good example of irrational fear (anxiety) is stage
fright. When you integrate irrational fears they
transform into feelings of excitement. Many stage
performers and public speakers have learned to
transform their stage fright into excitement, which
makes them the best in their fields. Those who can't
integrate these anxieties fail to achieve greatness on
the stage. Same goes for any other anxiety - its
crippling unless integrated into excitement. Keep in
mind, the feeling itself is not changing, the context
in which you choose to experience it does.
> a function, as long
> as we realize that reducing these negative emotions
> to zero, as with
> reducing pain to zero, would not be a good thing
> either."
Yes, you are right. But instead of reducing negative
emotions to zero, the energy of the emotion is
conserved, and is experienced as pleasurable ecstacy.
Paul Hughes
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