FW: A party in the works!

From: Tyler Emerson (tyleremerson@accelerating.org)
Date: Fri Mar 28 2003 - 23:08:59 MST

The following is from Christian Colquhoun.


        I'm helping to throw a fund raiser! Please consider this as a
formal declaration of Assistance Requested. Some of you already know
about the party and have expressed interest in helping, but it certainly
never hurts to have more talented people involved. If you can't assist,
then count this as a first invite to come and have fun for a good cause.
Without further delay, The Institute for Accelerating Change presents:

Unite the Future!

        What is the future to you? Cyber? Gene-Enhanced? Transhuman? Do
you see a future of peril and darkness? Something like Bladerunner or
maybe Mad Max? Possibly Gibsonesque? Maybe an Infocalypse? Or do you see
a future of promise and light? A happy, Technotopia with smart and
cuddly machines?? A lovely, bright, beautiful,
be-anything-you-want-to-be-kind-of-future? Maybe a bit of this and a
byte of that??
Come to the party, support the cause, express your vision of the future,
share your imagination,
and unite with others in a very fun, very friendly atmosphere.
        When: May 17, 2003 Doors opening at 7:30 pm

        Where: Applied Effects, 11505 W. Jefferson Blvd, Culver City, CA
90230. Voice: 310-398-4884; fax: 310-398-3454.

        Why: This is a fund raiser for The Institute for Accelerating
Change. Proceeds collected will be going toward our first annual
Accelerating Change Conference <http://www.accelerating.org/> at
Stanford University on July 17-18th. Already we have many notable
speakers committed, including: Walter Truett Anderson
<http://www.pacificnews.org/contributors/anderson/> , James Crawford
<http://ic.arc.nasa.gov/ic/ar.html> , Eric Drexler
<http://www.foresight.org/FI/Drexler.html> , Steve Jurvetson
<http://www.thefutureoflife.com/speakers/jurvetson.htm> , John Koza
<http://www.genetic-programming.com/johnkoza.html> , Ray Kurzweil
<http://www.kurzweiltech.com/aboutray.html> , Ross Mayfield
tml> , and Paul Ray <http://www.americanlives.com/> .

        The Institute for Accelerating Change is a new Los Angeles-based
nonprofit. Our purpose is to help people better realize the
implications of accelerating technological change. We do this through
our websites, conferences, newsletters, gatherings, reading groups,
media projects, and our sense of community. We have adopted this
purpose because increasing the overall understanding of accelerating
change improves the quality of choices that individuals make, and, in
turn, the quality of choices that we make as a community.

        We believe the Institute's work will help humanity realize a
future of ever increasing promise.

        Who: All inquiries, offers to help, and pretty much anything
else regarding this event should be directed to Christian Colquhoun
<mailto:mechfx@earthlink.net> or Regina Pancake at Applied Effects (see
above address, phone and fax number).

        What: This party will have a dance floor, Cyber fashion show,
DJ's, bands, entertainment, dancers, Bar, and Lightshow. Much, much
more is in the works and to be announced!

        Cost: We are still working out how much the entrance fee will
be, but we think it'll be in the 15 - 25 dollar range depending on the
entertainment provided. It's going to be a good show, and it is a fund

        This is the opening email eliciting and soliciting ideas for the
party. If you have a vision of the future that you feel needs to be
seen, then let's talk and find a way to make it fit. I'm looking for all
sorts of ideas and assistance. Those who have helped in the past are
most welcome to do what you do or have done before. And we're always
looking for new people to join the team. Let me know!

        Large donations that allow us to make this event as fun and big
as possible will be acknowledged immediately and in numerous ways. If
you have something or want to donate, let's talk about it!
We have a bunch of fun to arrange! Come and help make this a shared

Thanks for your time.... More to follow soon.

Join us and Unite the Future!

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