From: Reason (
Date: Tue Mar 25 2003 - 02:42:47 MST
Some Greg Egan gonzo black hole stardiving on this topic:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []On Behalf Of Paul
> Hughes
> Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2003 12:00 AM
> To:
> Subject: Collapsarity
> I was thinkning again of the Fermi Paradox yesterday,
> and I cam up with another hyothesis.
> Until now I have always assumed the trajectory of
> accelerating intelligence will entail an increase in
> computronium mass, and some version of manifest
> desitiny fullfilling itself - exploring the cosmos,
> etc. This could still be the case, however I'm now
> considering another weirder more expansive
> possibility:
> As intelligence increases tetrationally, it also seems
> hypothetically possible that at some point, perhaps
> only a short while after the singularity, its ability
> to minuturize and compactify volumetrically could
> accelerate faster than its needs to expand materially
> and volumetrically. So rather than an increasing
> amount of mass succumbing to computronium conversion,
> the opposte occurs - an intelligence 'collapsar' in
> which the mass used decreases as intelligence
> increases, resulting in a singularity (in the original
> use of the word). Further the speed up of this
> intelligence increase could accelerate so fast, that
> an effective infinite amount of computation is done in
> zero time.
> Obviously the current physics does not support this,
> which is why I'm referring to it as a hypothetical
> intelligence singularity (or collapsarity), in which
> the laws of physics as we know them evaporate in the
> presence of overwhelming intelligence.
> In other words, rather than the universe heading
> towards a single omega-point at the end of time, every
> species that achieves a singularity quickly enters
> their own omega point shortly after they achieve a
> singularity. If this was indeed the case, then their
> could be countless other post-singularity species who
> already entered the Omega Point long ago. And since
> they already acheived an infinite amount of
> computation in a finite amount of time, then from our
> perspective they are no longer in our universe. For
> all intents and purposes, they didn't just slow down
> time from the result computational speed-up, they
> stopped and stepped out of it all together.
> Thoughts, comments?
> Paul Hughes
> =====
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