Fwd: Call for Papers: Haldane Award for Best Student Transhumanist Paper

From: Eliezer S. Yudkowsky (sentience@pobox.com)
Date: Wed Nov 13 2002 - 12:37:53 MST

attached mail follows:

Please repost to students who might be appropriate for this

Annual J.B.S. Haldane Award for Best Transhumanist Paper
by an Undergraduate Student

The Haldane award will be given to the undergraduate student paper
that best advances transhumanist thought, analysis or applications.
Transhumanism seeks to expand technological opportunities to live
longer and healthier lives and to enhance intellectual, physical, and
emotional capacities. The first Haldane award will be awarded in

Eligibility criteria:

- Authors must be students enrolled at a high school, college or
university, who have not received their baccalaureate degree by
January 1, 2003

- Authors must be members in good standing of the World Transhumanist
Association. Student memberships are $10US a year (see
http://www.transhumanism.org/join.htm for more information).
Please submit complete papers electronically to Dr. James Hughes,
james.hughes@trincoll.edu, by February 1, 2003. The winner will be
contacted by May 1, 2003. Papers will be judged by a committee
appointed by the Board of Directors of the World Transhumanist
Association. The award ceremony will be held the evening of Saturday,
June 28, 2003 during the Transvision conference at Yale University in
New Haven, Connecticut, USA (for more information see:
http://www.transhumanism.org/tv/2003usa/). Attendance at the
conference is not a criteria for eligibility for the award, but we
encourage those who can attend to submit their papers for
consideration as conference presentations. The awardee will receive
$250, and the paper will be considered for publication in a
forthcoming issue of the Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics, or
in the Journal of Evolution and Technology.

JBS Haldane, Transhumanist Pioneer

John Burdon Sanderson Haldane's writing had a wide impact on the
transhumanist imagination. Haldane was a tireless and charismatic
popularizer of science, and one of the first twentieth century
biologists to promote the posthuman possibilities made possible by
science and technology. In his landmark 1923 essay "Daedalus or
Science and the Future" Haldane rejected knee-jerk biases against
biological progress, and predicted "ectogenesis" ("test-tube babies")
and other futurist technologies. In 1964 Haldane coined the
term "clones" in his essay "Biological Possibilities for the Human
Species of the Next Ten-Thousand Years."

World Transhumanist Association

The WTA is an international nonprofit membership organization working
to promote discussion of the possibilities for overcoming limitations
of the human body and for radical improvement of human capacities
using genetic, cybernetic and nano technologies. For more information
see: http://www.transhumanism.org or contact: Dr. James Hughes, c/o
World Transhumanist Association, PO Box 128, Willington CT 06279 USA,

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